
小站整理2018-10-15 18:05:53



1. Do you like chocolate?

Yeah I love chocolate! I think it tastes great, and I have to control myself when I start eating it coz it’s just so difficult to stop, if you know what I mean! So yeah, you could say I’m a bit of a chocoholic!


2. How often do you eat chocolate?

If I’m gonna be truthful with you I’d say pretty much every day, which I know is not the most healthy of habits, but I just can’t help it! You know, I always keep a stock of chocolate at home, and I’ll normally have some after lunch or dinner, cos it’s just a really nice way to finish off a meal.


3. What’s your favourite flavor?

I guess it would have to be milk chocolate, simply because for me it tastes the best! I know that dark chocolate’s meant to be, like, the healthiest and all that, but it has a kind of bitter taste to it. And white chocolate’s a little bit too creamy for me, so I normally always go for milk chocolate.


4. Is chocolate expensive in China?

I think it really kind of depends on what chocolate you’re talking about, because there’s a lot which is made here in China that’s pretty cheap. For example, you can get a small bar of chocolate for only a few RMB, which I think’s pretty reasonable.


But if you want really nice chocolate imported from places like Belgium and Switzerland, then it’s pretty expensive. I mean, you’re looking at, like, a hundred RMB for a box, something like that.


5. When was the first time you ate chocolate?

Geez, I honestly can’t remember. I imagine it must have been when I was a small child, but I honestly have no idea what age I was. Let me see…um… If I was to hazard a guess, I’d say I was probably, like, 4 or 5, cos my parents were always really good to me as a child and I’m sure I must have persuaded them at some stage to let me try some!


6. Is chocolate popular in China?

Yeah it is, especially in the last few years. I mean, if you go into any supermarket now, you’ll see shelves of it! And if I think about all my friends and family here, just about all of them are big chocolate fans. So yeah, I think it’s pretty fair to say that a lot of people here in China enjoy eating chocolate.



Shelf - 架子

just about all – almost all

I think it’s pretty fair to say that– 我觉得可以说…

If I was to hazard a guess– 如果我得猜测的话

at some stage - at some time

Chocolate bar - 巧克力棒

And all that - 如此等等

Normally always – 一般总是

Pretty much every day= almost every day

Stock – 贮存;储备 (If you have a stock of things, you have a supply of them stored in a place ready to be used.)

Chocoholic – someone who loves chocolate; 嗜食巧克力的人







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