
小站整理2018-08-07 16:07:11

摘要:2018年9月雅思口语变题季进入倒计时,小站雅思君为9月初参加雅思口语考试的考生们准备当季口语新题预测,本期带来口语part1话题:音乐乐器(music instrument),小时候你有没有学过某种乐器呢?一起来看看本期口语话题,附参考范文供考生备考复习之用。

9月雅思口语变题季,考生们的口语备考进度如何?小站雅思君为大家准备了一波新的雅思口语预测新题,友情提示,本口语预测纯为考生备考口语复习热身,并非9月必考口语话题,如有命中,不甚荣幸。话不多说,下面一起跟着小站雅思君来聊聊有关音乐乐器 music instrument的相关话题吧。

What types of music do you like to listen to?

It’s quite varied really, sometimes I like to listen to pop music and other times I like to listen to movie soundtracks or instrumental music.这是非常不同的,有时候我喜欢听流行音乐,有时我喜欢听电影原声音乐或乐器音乐。

At what times of day do you like to listen to music?

I usually listen to music throughout the day, on and off, but I suppose the longest period would be when I’m traveling to work because the journey is almost an hour there and another hour returning at night – and listening to music helps pass the time.我通常每天听音乐,断断续续,但我想,最长的时间是我去上班的时候,因为旅途几乎是一个小时,晚上又有一个小时回来——听音乐有助于打发时间。

Did you learn to play a musical instrument when you were a child?

No, I didn’t. It wasn’t something I was interested in. My parents wanted me to learn how to play the piano but I preferred to do sports and eventually they realized that my interests lay elsewhere.不,我没有。这不是我感兴趣的东西。我的父母想让我学习弹钢琴,但我更喜欢做运动,最终他们意识到我的兴趣在别处。

Do you think all children should learn to play a musical instrument?

It’s not something which should be compulsory, but I do believe that every child should have the opportunity to learn how to play a musical instrument and discover if they have a talent for it – or not.这不是什么应该强制的事情,但我相信每个孩子都应该有机会学习如何演奏一种乐器,并发现他们是否有天赋——或者不知道。

以上就是为大家带来的2018年9月雅思口语新题预测之:音乐乐器(music instrument)相关话题,更多雅思口语新题预测,请持续关注小站雅思君。






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