2018年5月是乃雅思口语变题月,一些新题会在本月的几次考试中陆续出炉,当然,大部分新题在第一场考试,也就是5月6号场的考试中就会出现。本文为你带来一道新的雅思口语part2话题:a competition you want to take part in (希望参加的比赛),为大家描述注:话题里的题目均为考生回忆而来(掌声送给他们),小编会持续关注,持续更新扩充话题,直到最终稳定版题库。
Describe a competition you want to take part in
You should say
What it is
When will it take
Where will it take
Well, I’m a couch potato so I watch a lot of TV programs everyday. Recently, I was attracted by a singing competition on TVand hope I can take part in it. It’s called The Voice of China, it is a Chinese reality talent show on Zhejiang Television.
The series consists of three phases: a blind audition, a battle phase, and live performance shows. The four judges/coaches choose teams of contestants through a blind audition process…
…Each judge has the length of the auditioner's performance to decide if he or shewants that singer on his or her team. In the final phase, the remaining contestants compete against each other in live broadcasts. The television audience and the coaches have equal say in deciding who wins the championship.
I have been wondering if there are anysinging opportunities like a competition or open band something like Super Girlbecause I have been singing here in China for a long time and I’m pretty goodat singing. Everyone around me says I’m a born singer because of my vocalability. I do hope I can step on the Voice of China stage and sing melodicsongs to catch the attentions of the audiences.
好了,原创的雅思口语part2范文已经到位,相信有高分范文的加持,这道a competition you want to take part in (希望参加的比赛)的雅思口语新题应该是不在话下了。更多雅思口语新题资讯,更多高分口语范文,请持续关注小站雅思频道。5月雅思口语渡劫,尽在小站雅思口语频道。