
小站整理2018-05-04 11:09:40

摘要:5-8月的雅思口语新题已出,5-8月有考试的各路考鸭速速归位。小站雅思君以迅雷不及掩耳之势为各位准备好了新话题及参考范文。本期雅思口语part2话题为:Describe something important that you lost(遗失贵重物品)。

雅思口语变题季来了,考鸭们别慌,小站雅思君为你准备了最新5-8月雅思口语新题,赶紧准备起来吧。本期雅思口语part2话题为:Describe something important that you lost(遗失贵重物品)。范文仅供参考,各位考鸭还需要根据自己的实际经历来编写自己的口语内容。

Describe something important that you lost

You should say:

what is it

why it is important

how did you lose it

how did you do after lost it


Ok, what I’m gonna talk about is the time I left my mobile phone in a taxi, which is a really silly thing to do, I know, but sometimes I can be quite careless, just like everyone can be on occasion – at least that’s what I like to think!


Anyway, as for when I lost my mobile, well thinking about it, I suppose it must’ve been a couple of years ago by now, as I seem to remember I was still living in my old apartment at the time.


And regarding what I was doing when it happened, well basically, I was in a taxi on my way back home from the city centre, as I’d just been out clothes shopping, so I had quite a few bags with me, and I guess this partly explains how I somehow managed to leave my phone behind in the taxi.


So as for how I felt after I realized what I’d done, well, if I remember correctly, my first reaction was that of disbelief, you know, I was thinking to myself, how could I have been so stupid as to leave it there. And what made it all the more frustrating was the fact that I hadn’t asked the driver for a receipt, which I normally always do, so there was no way I could get in touch with the taxi company and track down the taxi which I took. Naturally of course, I tried to call my phone as soon as I realized what had happened, but as I guessed, it had already been switched off, either by the driver or the next person who got into the taxi.


So all in all, it was a pretty frustrating experience, especially seeing as I had a lot of numbers stored on that mobile which I hadn’t saved anywhere else, so it took me quite a while to get my phone list back to what it was. But on the bright side though, the phone didn’t actually cost that much, and it was a good excuse to get myself a much nicer phone, which I take much better care of, and thankfully I still have!








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