5月是乃雅思口语变题月,一些新题会在本月的几次考试中陆续出炉,当然,大部分新题在第一场考试,也就是5月6号场的考试中就会出现。本文为你带来一道历史上从未考过的全新雅思口语话题:Dream in childhood(儿时梦想),共4个问题。孩童时有过不着边际梦想的你们,准备接招吧!注:话题里的题目均为考生回忆而来,有可能出现问题不全的情况,小编会持续关注,持续更新扩充话题,直到最终稳定版题库出炉。
Dream in childhood(儿时梦想)
1.What was your dream when you were young?
I wanted to be a doctor at first, and then a actor, which i have not yet achieved neither.
2.Has it changed?
Of course, both of them were out when i get close enough to them and find the nasty truth and details about the two profession, since i don't feel powerful enough to handle them.
3.Will it change in the future?
My childhood dreams are elusive and long gone,and my adult one is more realistic: get a good life-long career in Education and lead a meaningful family life with my wife full of travelling and cuisine.
4.Why did you have that dream?
Inspiring figures always tell us to dream big, but i never buy it. i find my life will be totally great and fulfilling even i dream something smaller and more common. Maybe the feel of down-to-earthness gives me more aspiration and sense of genuineness of the world.
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