2018年5月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:手工艺品

小站整理2018-04-09 13:01:48

摘要:5月雅思口语换题季又来啦,来一波雅思口语新题预测刺激一下各位考鸭的小心心。送上雅思口语Part2新题预测之:手工艺品(Describe something you made yourself)。附参考范文,内容有关:制作木船。

又到了紧张的2018年5月雅思口语变题季,各位考鸭们,你们准备好了吗?小站雅思君特奉上一份口语新题预测为各位壮士送行。本文雅思口语新题预测话题:手工艺品(Describe something you made yourself)。附有口语参考范文,内容有关:小时候自己造木船玩具的经历。我在一家玩具店看到了一艘很漂亮的船,而且很喜欢它。但是这个价格对我来说太高了,所以我自己用木头造了一个,并且成功了。

手工艺品 Describe something you made yourself.

You should say:

What you made.

Why you make it.

How you make it.

and explain how you felt about it.

雅思口语part 2新题预测:手工艺品



I usually made toys in my childhood and sometimes I made some electronic devices in my teenage and those were very exciting for me. I felt overwhelmed whenever I had been able to make something that I aimed for. I would like to talk about the wooden boat I created in my childhood when I was 8 or 9 years old.

I saw a very nice looking boat in a toy store and had been fascinated to have it. But the price was too high for me and I did not ask my parents to buy it for me as I knew that it was very expensive. A few days later after my 5th-grade final exam, I went to visit my grandfather’s house and planned to make a boat similar to the boat I saw in the store. The original boat that I saw was made of metal and plastic but I planned to make one using the board, wood. The plan came to my mind as the woods and boards were available in my grandfather’s house.

I started making the boat from my memory and found that I was making the wrong one and I won’t be able to make the boat that I planned. I made a sketch and then started building the parts. This time I was successful and I had been able to make a nice looking boat. Later I coloured it and wrote my name on it. This was a fascinating experience as it was the first time I made something from wood and board. Before that, I mostly made toys from papers and after I made the boat, I showed it to everyone. I was very excited to have it and I was proud that I had been able to make it. I had this toy with me for one year or so this was a toy that inspired me to make some other toys that I made later on.







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