2018年5月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:最近改变

小站整理2018-04-08 13:40:50

摘要:5月雅思口语换题季又来啦,来一波雅思口语新题预测刺激一下各位考鸭的小心心。送上雅思口语Part2新题预测之:最近改变(Describe a recent change in your life)。附参考范文,内容有关解压瑜伽课。

又到了紧张的2018年5月雅思口语变题季,各位考鸭们,你们准备好了吗?小站雅思君特奉上一份口语新题预测为各位壮士送行。本文雅思口语新题预测话题:最近改变(Describe a recent change in your life)。附有口语参考范文,内容有关:我正在攻读酒店管理的4年文凭。这是一门全日制课程,包括大量的讲座和实践工作。但是压力太大让我变得沮丧,于是在朋友推荐下去了瑜伽课,开始对我的生活和精神带来很好的改变。

最近改变 Describe a recent change in your life

You should say:

• what the change was

• when it happened

• how you felt about it

• and explain if it was a positive or negative change for you



口语part 2范文内容:我正在攻读酒店管理的4年文凭。这是一门全日制课程,包括大量的讲座和实践工作。但是压力太大让我变得沮丧,于是在朋友推荐下去了瑜伽课,开始对我的生活和精神带来很好的改变。

Changes are an integral part of our life. Today, I’m going to talk about a recent change that I brought about in my life.

I am pursuing a 4-year diploma in hotel management. It’s is a full-time course which includes a lot of lectures and practical work. Spending long hours in college, part-time work, and project work in the library, not to mention other responsibilities – all of them started taking their toll on me. I became stressed, sleep deprived and cranky. I was generally frustrated, short-tempered and unhappy.

My friends posed an intervention and told me they were worried for me, this statement really awakened me. I thought I could handle the stress but seeing them suffer the side effects of my workaholism, I decided to do something about it.

I joined yoga classes in the morning. Initially, I felt that this might be a waste of time but I was proven wrong when my classmates said I looked happier and refreshed. I myself noticed a change in my aura and productivity.

This change redefined my outlook on things, I noticed that little things do in fact matter. In today’s fast-paced world, we have forgotten the true essence of life. We should keep on making small experimental changes in our life. They give it a splash of colour. All in all, this change had a positive impact on me and my loved ones. I will definitely continue to do yoga no matter where I go.

雅思口语part 3

What changes do you want to make in your life?

Do you believe we can control our own fate? How?

What three changes you would want to see in your country?







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