雅思口语库Part2话题参考范文汇总之:一节英语课(an English lesson that you have taken)

小站整理2017-12-21 14:40:55

摘要:本文为雅思口语part2题库话题范文汇总,话题为:一节英语课(Describe an English lesson that you have taken),多篇范文供参考,范文普遍适用于各类考生,篇篇精彩,助你口语花式提分,速速收藏起来。话不多说,范文自取。

本期雅思口语题库part2话题:一节英语课Describe an English lesson that you have taken,多版本的口语话题原创参考答案,主题分别为,多款范文供你选择,你最中意哪个呢?美好的一天从运动开始,爱生活,爱雅思,更爱自己。文末附口语高分语料,备考口语怎么能少了雅思口语范文,好货不等人,还不速速收藏,高分范文在手,屠鸭说走就走。范文自取:

Describe an English lesson that you have taken

You should say:

What the activity is

When and where you usually do it

how you do it

and explain why it can keep you fit


版本1:雅思口语范文:跟着外教学英语 ☜戳左可入


高分语段:I still remember, at the very beginning of the English speaking class, the teacher just showed a picture of our mother nature and asked students to describe our own feeling about such harmonious system. Because of being nervous and afraid of making mistakes, no student was willing to open their mouth. Then the teacher asked one to use black-color pen to smear the original painting and said whether these winding black zigzag lines like sewage or garbage. Then to my surprise, we began to talk about our ideas about this painting. During the whole discussion, the teacher never denied anyone’s answer or pointed out grammar mistakes but used constant questions to inspire us to open mouth. Afterwards, he divided the whole class into six groups and required each group to select a represent to collect all teammates’ ideas and make a summary about the threats posed by human beings.

版本2:雅思口语范文:大学英语演讲课 ☜戳左可入


高分语段:Every Monday, we would take about twenty minutes of class, and everyone had to stand up and say what they did over the weekend. The mini-speeches didn’t have to be long or that involved; rather, it was just an opportunity to get everyone up and speaking English. What made the activity fun, though, was not really the assignment. Instead, it was the class that made it interesting. The first couple Mondays, the speeches weren’t any thing special. Most were pretty boring, and the class had more of a “let’s just get this done attitude instead of an “I like Ibis activity” attitude. The third Monday, however, this all changed. One of the students stood up and told an extremely creative story, using a lot of interesting phrases and some truly funny vocabulary’. After this, the class all sort of accepted this as the new norm, and every week became a contest to see who could tell the funniest, most creative story. As a result, going to class on Monday became something to really look forward to.

版本3:雅思口语范文:小学外教课 ☜戳左可入


高分语段:I still remember, at the very beginning of the English speaking class, the teacher just showed a picture of our mother nature and asked students to describe our own feeling about such harmonious system. Because of being nervous and afraid of making mistakes, no student was willing to open their mouth. Then the teacher asked one to use black-color pen to smear the original painting and said whether these winding black zigzag lines like sewage or garbage. Then to my surprise, we began to talk about our ideas about this painting. During the whole discussion, the teacher never denied anyone’s answer or pointed out grammar mistakes but used constant questions to inspire us to open mouth. Afterwards, he divided the whole class into six groups and required each group to select a represent to collect all teammates’ ideas and make a summary about the threats posed by human beings.







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