
小站整理2017-12-18 13:47:59


为大家带来2018雅思口语新题预测之part 1:Birthday(生日),共8个问题及相关参考答案。范文表达地道,用词准确,备战雅思就用防脱发秘笈之小站口语预测,用了都说好。




1. How do people in your country celebrate birthdays?

2. How do people celebrate birthdays when you were a child?

3. How did you celebrate your birthdays when you were a child?

4. Do you still feel that celebrating your birthday is important?

5. What do you do on your birthday now?

6. (Possibly) How do people celebrate children’s birthday today?

7. What is the most important birthday for people in your country?

8. (Possibly) Do you (or, do people in your country) prefer to celebrate birthday according to the lunar or the solar calendar?

9. How do children celebrate birthdays in your country?

10. How did you celebrate your last birthday?

11. What kinds of birthday gifts do you like to receive?

12. Is there a difference between the way you celebrated your birthday in the past and in the present?

13. Do people in China celebrate birthdays?

14. Which birthdays are especially important in China?

15. Do people in China have birthday parties?

16. Do you think it's important for people to celebrate birthday?


1. It depends. Sometimes people in China will throw a party to celebrate though most people will just acknowledge it rather than actually celebrating it. I remembered when I was a little boy, I’d like to invite some close classmates and neighbours to banquet. We ate birthday cakes, played some interesting games and sometimes my parents would prepare some balloons for us. It was really memorable moment.

2. As an adult, I don’t think it important to celebrate my birthday because the date of my birthday is not different from other days. I just memorise several moments of my birthday parties as a young boy. I am a nostalgic man and I’m afraid the young boy’s joy had faded away.

3. Sometimes children’s birthday is a big banquet. Parents will always book a room in a restaurant and invite many children’s classmates and close friends. They will then prepare a big birthday cake and some other tasty food like sandwiches, biscuits and fruit juice. Children will have a good time there, and the whole process will be recorded by camera. I should say the children in current society really enjoy their childhood.

4. I think 18 is an important birthday for people because that is when you really declare your independence and are totally responsible for your behaviour.

5. We used to celebrate birthday according to the solar calendar because it is more common to us in everyday life. But in most rural areas, people used to use the lunar calendar.

6. Celebrations have changed over a period of time and the way I celebrate it now is very different from earlier. Now, birthday celebrations are more of surprises. Sometimes my friends come over and surprise in a certain, sometimes the other way. Earlier, it used be a planned celebration at house, now it is mostly travelling on that day, going out with friends to discover new horizons. The celebrations have changed but the fact that it is celebrated with the loved ones still remains the same.

7. As a child, I used to have those fancy celebrations where my mother would take care of almost everything. Arranging party, the guest list and so much more. For me birthdays were all about enjoying with my friends and eating cake, the one my father was responsible for.

8. I think celebrations are surely an important part of our lives and birthdays are something we must surely celebrate. However, in my opinion, celebrating does not always means spending money on parties. I remember a friend of mine, on his birthday he would give gifts to the poor. It was amazing of reminding yourself that your presence does make people happy.

9. In our country, birthday of Jawaharlal Nehru is the most celebrated birthday. On his birthday, the entire country celebrates, Children day because he loved children. Lovingly called ‘Chacha Nehru’ which means Uncle Nehru by the kids, Jawaharlal Nehru gave emphasis to the significance of giving love and affection to children, who are the bright future of India. On this day, most schools have fest for the students and other cultural events all over.

10. Yes, I do love them. There is so much fun associated with birthdays. You meet people, friends, play, put cakes and then sing birthday songs. We dance and sing and so much more. It is like we become kids once again.

11. I do enjoy birthdays. Birthdays bring along with them so much positivity and a feeling of freshness. It seems as if it is another chance to be someone else, someone better. You meet friends, enjoy with them, laugh at the silly things done and plan for the great future ahead.

12. Yes, I do. Although it is not very huge party but I make sure that there is a party and that I have all my near and dear ones surrounding me during my birthday.

13. I usually am not a very big birthday fan. I think there should not be any reason to celebrate life and oneself. I am one of those who would give myself or any one else gifts out of the box with no reasons and at any time of the year.







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