雅思口语题库part2话题参考答案之:小众旅行处(interesting place that not many tourists get there)

小站整理2017-12-12 18:15:54

摘要:为烤鸭带来雅思口语题库话题:小众旅行处(interesting place that not many tourists get there),范文用词地道,逻辑连贯,适用于各类考生。文末附高分口语语料,口语复习强势助攻口语提分,考试在即,速速修炼,召唤7分神龙,从此分手雅思。

为大家带来雅思口语part2地点类话题范文:小众旅行处(interesting place that not many tourists get there),范文由高分考生原创,主题是:罗马圆形剧场,位于意大利罗马市中心的一个椭圆形圆形剧场,是世界上最大的圆形剧场,由混凝土和石头组成。在雅思考试中,雅思口语回答,是需要一些核心的词汇、正确句型、以及良好的表达心态。这样我们才能言之有物,有话可说。友情提示,范文仅作参考,口语提分关键还是多积累,勤加练习。话不多说,范文自取:


返回查看:part2话题范文汇总之小众旅行处(rare travelling)

You should say:

Where it is located

Why it is interesting

What you can do there

Why do few people go there




I have a special interest in visiting unknown places and on my list historical places always get preferences. I have visited many historical places like Machu Picchu in Peru, The Pyramids at Giza, Taj Mahal, Parthenon in Greece and many more. The historical significance and the site attractions sometimes mesmerized me. The historical place that I would like to talk about today is Colosseum (also known as Coliseum, also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre) which is situated in Rome, Italy.

It is basically an elliptical amphitheatre in the centre of the city of Rome, Italy which is the largest amphitheatre in the world and is made of concrete and stone. The construction of Colosseum began under emperor Vespasian in 70 AD and was completed under Titus in 80 AD.

The Colosseum could hold approximately 50,000 to 80,000 spectators and was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles such as mock sea battles, animal hunts, executions, re-enactments of famous battles etc. The Colosseum was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1980 and was also included among the New Seven Wonders of the World. It is 189 meters long, and 156 meters wide, with a base area of 6 acres. The height of the outer wall is 48 meters. People like shopping in Italy nowadays and they don’t care much about places with long history and meaning. That is a pity.

I have heard and seen of this place a lot and when I witnessed it for the first time, I became speechless. The huge architect, the overwhelming interior and exterior decoration was beyond appreciation. The place kept reminding me the classical mythological and historical facts I have read and heard about.


地道用词:site attractions

under emperor

It is 189 meters long, and 156 meters wide, with a base area of 6 acres.

高分句型:I have a special interest in visiting unknown places and on my list historical places always get preferences.

It is basically an elliptical amphitheatre in the centre of the city of Rome, Italy which is the largest amphitheatre in the world and is made of concrete and stone.

The Colosseum could hold approximately 50,000 to 80,000 spectators and was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles such as mock sea battles, animal hunts, executions, re-enactments of famous battles etc.







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