雅思口语题库part2高分范文汇总之骄傲的成就an achievement that you are proud of

小站整理2017-11-23 10:38:57

摘要:本期雅思口语事件类话题an achievement that you are proud of,傲人成就。带来4篇原创高分范文,丰富地道的用词和流畅的表达,是口语高分的秘诀。范文适用于各类考生,文末附高分口语语料。坚持每日练一道雅思口语,临场发挥更自信,口语冲7你也可以。

拿到口语话题却无从下口?为各位考鸭带来全新雅思口语part2话题范文,多个版本范文相信总有一款适合你。本期口语范文有关傲人成就an achievement that you are proud of,共3篇原创高分范文,主题有关成功减肥,最佳网站提名,拯救伤者,成功主持节目。备考在即,还不速速收藏。戳下方链接,获取范文详情:


Describe an achievement that you are proud of

You should say:

What it was

How it was made

What difficulties have you encountered during the process

Why you are proud of this achievement



高分语段:Now I'm not only as slim as I used to be, but I'm also fit enough. And I'm genuinely proud of my achievement. I should say it was hard to change my habits, my diet and my lifestyle, and at some point I was about to give up because all those activities were really time consuming. But I didn't, thank God, though I was facing a lot of difficulties. Another thing that makes me feel inordinately proud of myself is that I achieved great results without anybody's help. I just read blogs and forums, used a lot of online resources, but it was I that decided what to do with myself. This is something I never thought I could do. You can't even imagine how much effort I put in achieving this result. I would even say I was fighting the battle of my life. And I won.



高分语段:However, the thing that makes me the most proud of all is the thought that so many people around the world have improved their English using my method.



高分语段:I felt sad for the man. He might have started his work or to attend an important appointment or for any other purposes. But he could not reach his destination. And it was a troublesome matter for him. However, being able to help him was a great feeling for me. To put it in a simple word, it was fulfilling.



高分语段:I became very nervous because I had never hosted any event before but I respected the faith of my teacher and with the help of my friend, I prepared myself a night before. Next day, I was feeling butterflies in my stomach when the event started but honestly speaking, the whole event went smooth when I stood on the podium. After the event, I took a sigh of relief and when my teachers and friends complimented me, I felt on top of the world.







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