雅思口语题库part2话题原创范文有趣的外国人interesting person from another country

小站整理2017-11-22 16:38:17

摘要:为大家带来本期话题有趣的外国人an interesting person from another country ,范文来自中国高分考生,主角是喜欢发明的外国老人。学口语就要学原汁原味的用词和表达,从优秀的口语范文中寻找地道的口语语料,为你所用,在考场上自然流畅地表达,口语7分不在话下。

本文给大家带来口语话题:有趣的外国人Describe an interesting person from another country,范文来自中国高分考生,主角是爱搞发明的戴维斯老人。口语水平的提高需要一段很长时间积累的过程,所以找对口语范文很关键。学原汁原味的用词和表达,从优秀的口语范文中寻找地道的口语语料,为你所用,如何迅速get到native speaker的口语范文精髓呢?关键有3点:1.native speaker的地道用词,2.丰富灵活的动词,3.高分句型并熟练背诵之。话不多说,口语范文自取:

Describe an interesting person from another country

You should say:

1. Who is this person

2. How do you know him/her

3. What do you find he/she interesting

4. Why do you think he/she knows a lot


回归:雅思口语范文汇总——有趣的外国人(an interesting foreigner




Speaking of an interesting person I know from another country, the first one comes into my mind is Mr. Davis. He is the person I met 1 year ago. The time I knew him was when he moved to our locality from a different city. He has a family with 3 members and he is an engineer graduate and has worked as a chief engineer in many reputed organizations as he told me. In his early 40’s he took self-retirement and now enjoys his time either in developing some mysterious engineering and scientific tools or by travelling to different places of the world.

Mr. Davis mostly wears old-fashioned clothes and has long beard with a strange look in his eyes. To my surprise, I found my conversation with him very interesting as he likes to talk about his plan to invent something very important to change the world. I am not sure what he is up to but it seems very thought-provoking to learn that he really believes that. He travels to hills and forests mostly to stay close to nature as he describes this habit to be helpful for idea generation. People often look at him very strangely and do some small talks about his attitude but I find him to be an interesting person. To my surprise he is a very devoted and dotting father and husband and has a good flow of money even though he does not have a full time job now.

Mr. Davis is really an interesting person. One day he knocked at my door and I opened it. He asked whether I can give him some copper or not. I was pretty perplexed with his sudden appearance and demand for the copper. He told me that he was doing an important experiment and he needs this to carry out his test. I apologized that we do not have any copper to offer him and advised him to visit the nearby shopping complex where he might find it. He returned back after an hour with some bags and thanked me to let him know where he might find the copper he was looking for. He then offered to visit his house and have dinner with him. The whole confrontation took me by surprise and I understood from that very day that he was bit unusual and interesting in nature.


地道用词:is up to


stay close to nature

demand for


In his early 40’s he took self-retirement and now enjoys his time either in developing some mysterious engineering and scientific tools or by travelling to different places of the world.

He returned back after an hour with some bags and thanked me to let him know where he might find the copper he was looking for.







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