雅思口语题库话题范文之本土植物Describe a plant grown in your country

小站整理2017-11-20 12:02:18

摘要:为大家带来本期话题Describe a plant grown in your country,范文由外国人原创,话题有关水稻。学口语就要用原汁原味的用词和表达,口语的练习不在于背诵,从优秀的口语范文中寻找口语语料,为你所用,口语7分不是事。

关于植物的话题:Describe a plant grown in your country(本土植物),给大家带来地道的外国原创范文,话题有关农作物水稻。如何迅速get到native speaker的口语范文精髓呢?口语水平的提高需要一段很长时间积累的过程,所以找对口语范文很关键。如何学习雅思口语范文:1.native speaker的地道用词,2.丰富灵活的动词,3.高分句型并熟练背诵之。话不多说,口语范文自取:


回归:雅思口语范文汇总——本国植物(Describe a kind of plant or flower)


2.主题:水稻(paddy plant


Paddy plant or rice plant is a very common plant which is grown in our country. The farmers of our country cultivate it and it is grown in most of the places in our country. If you go to a countryside in paddy season, you will find this plant is dancing with the wind. This plant grows well in fertile land and needs a good supply of water and sunlight. Rice is our chip food and we get rice from this paddy plant.

The paddy plant is a medium side plant which is thin and the leaves and body of this plant are green. Usually, the rice seed is green in early states and becomes yellow when it is ripe. Our economy heavily depends on our rice production. Our environment, soil, water and fields are in favour of producing a large quantity of rice each year.

Since I live in a city now, I don't see these plants here but in my childhood whenever I went to visit our village, I found this plant in every field. Mile after mile farmers cultivate paddy plants and wish to get a good quantity of rice. These paddy plants are beautiful and create a harmony with the wind if you hear closely. The dancing of this plant with the wind is something that would simply create a magical hallucination.

I also like it because this plant provides us rice which is our staple food. The taste and food value are quite good and it is our main crop. Every part of this plant has its usefulness. Our economy has a good dependency on the production of rice which we get from this plant. In our country, this is probably the most important plant we grow.


地道用词: heavily depends on

in favour of

Mile after mile

高分句型:Since I live in a city now, I don't see these plants here but in my childhood whenever I went to visit our village, I found this plant in every field.

Our economy heavily depends on our rice production. Our environment, soil, water and fields are in favour of producing a large quantity of rice each year.






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