雅思口语话题题库高分范文:本国植物Describe a kind of plant or flower

小站整理2017-11-20 10:21:18

摘要:本期带来三个版本的雅思口语题库话题part2范文:本国植物Describe a kind of plant or flower,其中1篇范文来自中国高分考生,2篇来自外国人原创,范文有关本国的植物花卉,内容用词地道,表达自然流畅,普遍适用于各类考生。赶紧收藏,速速练习起来。

本期奉上雅思口语话题题库part2范文:本国植物Describe a kind of plant or flower,范文共有3个版本,高分范文分别来中国高分考生,以及两位外国人的原创范文,还不速来围观,相信总有一款适合你。友情提示:考生应该尽量避免传统的背诵套句或者是模版的口语学习方式,去学习口语范文中地道的词组搭配以及英美人士的思维方式,更加关注词组和逻辑思维两个层面。另外,就是要从扣题角度出发,看优秀范文如何从扣题的方面来展开口语话题。戳红色文字链接,查看范文详情。


Describe a kind of plant or flower

You should say:

What is it

Where does it grow

Do you like it or not


范文节选:And another thing to mention is that bamboo is also used a lot for carrying stuff. For example, what I’ve seen people do is rest it on their shoulders, and then hang things on each end, because as well as being strong, it’s also very flexible, so it won’t break, even with very heavy loads.

高分语料:For example, what I’ve seen people do is rest it on their shoulders, and then hang things on each end......


范文节选:Periwinkle is very easy to grow. Just pluck a branch from another plant and stick it in well drained soil. Soon roots will grow and the pink flowers will multiply. I picked a four inch branch one year ago from someone's garden and today I have a flowerbed overflowing with periwinkle flowers.

高分语料: I picked a four inch branch one year ago from someone's garden and today I have a flowerbed overflowing with periwinkle flowers.


范文节选:I also like it because this plant provides us rice which is our staple food. The taste and food value are quite good and it is our main crop. Every part of this plant has its usefulness. Our economy has a good dependency on the production of rice which we get from this plant. In our country, this is probably the most important plant we grow.

高分语料:Our economy heavily depends on our rice production. Our environment, soil, water and fields are in favour of producing a large quantity of rice each year.






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