雅思口语话题Part3范文:a favorite sport you watched

小站整理2017-10-18 01:55:43

摘要:本期雅思口语话题Part3范文: Describe a favorite sport which you watched,共有9题范文。范文描述详尽,用语非常地道,因此篇幅有点长,大家根据情况摘取即可,切勿贪多。9-12月的雅思口语Part3部分话题范文已更新,后续会加紧赶制,大家稍安勿躁。

5. Why do people need to play sports? 人们为什么要健身?

Sport should be played by everybody to improve general health or stay in shape before everything else. But I guess it is particularly important for those people who want to lose weight or release stress. It is also needed when somebody wants to make friends or just enjoy social interaction which can make life more interesting and filled with positive emotions 'cause sports communication brings fun into everyday routine and, in some cases, can even help find a purpose in life.

6. Do children need to exercise? 儿童需要锻炼身体吗?

Absolutely. Exercise is essential for children because, first of all, it helps them enjoy health benefits such as achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight, building strong muscles, bones and joints, improving the quantity and quality of sleep and even preventing the development of chronic diseases. Secondly, exercise builds a great self-esteem and a better self-image as well as improves motivation and focus resulting in enhanced academic performance. And, lastly, it elevates children's mood, lets them feel refreshed and helps them have a better outlook on life.

7. What's the difference between playing sports on your own and playing sports in a group?

Well, I guess the biggest difference between individual and team sports is what motivates athletes. Solo sports teach to be self-reliant and independent, train a lot to ensure own success and be ready to take responsibility for failures because in competition there is no one to blame but yourself, whereas in a group sport the responsibility for success or failure is equally shared between all members of the team. which teaches players to appreciate others' efforts and receive appreciation back. Playing sports on their own, people get a chance learn how to motivate themselves I feel comfortable in the spotlight, while being a part of a team they can improve their social interaction and measure themselves against others to see if there is something they can improve and become better at.

8. What are the benefits of playing sports? 做运动有什么好处?

There are lots of them actually. First of all, playing sports is fun and, as a result, a good way to relieve stress and reduce depression, which is really important in our busy life. Regular exercising helps people keep fit and feel more energetic and, as a consequence, increase their duality of life and improve happiness and life satisfaction. It also gives people a lot in social and academic sense by teaching to achieve goals, developing discipline and strategic thinking and, consequently, by increased success in the classroom and in life.

9. Do you play any sports at night? 你晚上锻炼吗?

Well, sometimes night is the only possible time for me to play sports. I often work long hours and have a chance to leave my office only after 9 pm. Fortunately, the sports complex I attend is open till midnight, and after a hard day at work I can work out in the gym or swim in the swimming-pool to relieve stress and reduce tension. I am also fond of bowling and never miss a chance to play a couple of sets on the night out. Though I think the best time for doing sport is early in the morning when you just set your mind on a fruitful day and need more energy to achieve your goals.






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