9-12月雅思口语题库P3话题答案范文:Describe a good parent you know

小站整理2017-10-12 12:03:59

摘要:本文话题范文:Describe a good parent you know,共有4题范文。范文内容描述详尽,用语非常地道,因此篇幅有点长,大家择要摘取观点即可。
新题何足惧,旧恨何其多,手握真题集,屠鸭亦可期。一转眼,雅思口语进入新一轮话题季,小站雅思懂你更懂雅思,第一时间为大家整理出超地道的Part3范文答案,赶紧丧心病狂地开练吧,一切皆有可能,冲7就在此刻了。本文话题为:a good parent you know,范文内容详尽思路清晰,表达多样,因此篇幅过长,各考雅们摘取观点即可,无需全文背诵。唯一的王道在于你的开口练习,攒足了勇气值,攒足了训练量,口语必高分。加油。


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范文示例:Describe a good parent you know

1. For parents, what is important when bringing up their child? 对父母来说,当抚养孩子时什么很重要?

Well, when raising a child it's of primary importance for fathers and mothers to remember that they are the most powerful role models for a young individual. What is more, parents should show unconditional love and demonstrate trust to their kid 'cause this is the basis on which life moves on. It's not less essential for them to spend quality time with their son or daughter, encourage their special skills, praise their efforts and help them feel competent and confident. I would also add that it’s necessary for parents to establish support system at home so that kids grow up satisfied with their achievements and ambitions because it will make both parents and kids happy.

2. Is sweet a good thing to reward them? 对孩子来说,糖果是一种好的奖励吗?

Well, I wouldn't say it is as children can start to associate feeling happy and accomplished with sugar. This behavioral pattern, as well as any other in fact, becomes imbedded in the brain resulting in a life-long connection between sugar-filled rewards and that desired feeling of comfort and satisfaction. It also encourages kids to eat when they are not hungry to reward themselves and, as a result, can undermine the healthy eating habits that parents are trying to teach their kids. So. I guess sweets can be a good thing to reward children only if they are given very seldom just to encourage good behaviour but at the same time not cause psychological dependence.

3. Do you think mothers and fathers have different roles to play in bringing up a child? 你认为母亲和父亲在抚养孩子方面有不同的角色吗?

No doubt they do. Of course, I agree that parenting roles are blended these days and parents are sharing their roles increasingly but still I am sure that moms and dads should teach kids different things and thus play different roles in their bringing up. Mom's responsibilities include such important things as making a child feel safe and emotionally secure, helping them develop strong moral principles early in life and engaging in various learning activities. Fathers, to my mind, have to provide physical protection, give financial support and display healthy authority in the home. They should also encourage independence and exploration in children, push their limits but at the same time keep kids on the right path providing them with necessary psychological support and sense of security. Undoubtedly, moms can try to do it instead of dads but it won’t be the same, I am afraid.

4. Do you think hitting children is sometimes necessary for discipline? 你认为有些情况下为了管教有必要打孩子吗?

Definitely no. To my mind, hitting has little to do with discipline. It doesn't improve kids' behaviour and, what's worse, it is damaging for kids. It makes children feel humiliated and angry doing nothing but instilling a sense of fear and resentment into them. What is more, it shows kids it's all right to vent their anger or right a wrong by hitting other people distracting them from learning how to resolve conflict in an effective and humane way. So, it's definitely not necessary for discipline, even sometimes.






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