雅思口语话题P2范文:好的建议(a situation that you received some useful advice)

小站整理2017-09-25 18:05:07

摘要:为大家带来雅思口语题库part2话题范文之:事件类话题:Describe a situation you received some useful advice,范文来自考生原创,有关大学专业选择。学口语就要用原汁原味的用词和表达,从优秀的口语范文中寻找口语语料,为你所用,口语7分不在话下。

为大家带来雅思口语题库part2话题范文之:人物类话题:Describe a situation you received some useful advice,范文来自考生原创,有关大学选专业。我的老师告诉我,根据我的能力和学习成绩,我很擅长经济学或者数学之类的学科;我父亲告诉我,我应该学习我感兴趣的东西,我想他们俩都给了我很好的建议。学口语就要用原汁原味的用词和表达,从优秀的口语范文中寻找口语语料,为你所用,口语7分不在话下。

返回:Describe a situation you received some useful advice,查看更多版本范文

You should say:

Who gave you this advice

What kind of advice he/she gave you

Why he/she gave you this advice

And explain how did the advice help you




I remember when I was considering which course I wanted to follow at university I received two pieces of good advice from two different people. One of them was my father and the other was one of my teachers at school.

My teacher told me that based on my abilities and academic performance I would probably be good at subjects like economics or maybe mathematics. My father told me that I should study something I am interested in, no matter what other people think about my choice. I think that both of them gave me good advice.

My teacher observed that I was very good at analyzing things and understanding how different things can influence each other. I was very interested in economics at school when we studied it because it involves many different aspects of life, business, and social factors.

She (my teacher) said that I would probably find it more satisfying to study something I was really interested in than try and do something that was maybe more popular like something related to oil and gas or medicine which is quite popular for women here.

Finally, I decided to study Economics because I like the subject and because I knew I would be happy doing it. I’m almost finished my course now and I have really enjoyed it so I think it was a good decision.

Hopefully, I will be able to get a good job, either here or abroad when I graduate. So I guess you could say I followed the advice from both people who gave me it. I’m happy about my choice, and my father and teacher too.


地道用词:follow the advice

高分句型:My father told me that I should study something I am interested in, no matter what other people think about my choice. I think that both of them gave me good advice.

She (my teacher) said that I would probably find it more satisfying to study something I was really interested in than try and do something that was maybe more popular like something related to oil and gas or medicine which is quite popular for women here.

My teacher observed that I was very good at analyzing things and understanding how different things can influence each other.







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