17年8月最新雅思口语Part2话题答案: a time you spent with a child.

小站整理2017-08-10 13:15:44

摘要:8月,与雅思口语的新题旧恨,请在小站处一笔斩断。​本文口语part2话题:Describe a time you spent with a child.。广大烤鸭,速速开练吧。

8月雅思口语题库Part2话题,由小站雅思频道为你带来全新范文答案,希望对广大烤鸭的口语备考添一点成功的筹码,8月奋战口语7分正在当下!结合范文提供的思路,收集相关的话题词汇,整理自己的答题思路,才是在考场中高分表现的最好保障!Describe a time you spent with a child.


You should say:

who the child is

how you know him/her

why you spent time with him/her

and explain what you did when you were together


Just last week I spent some time with a child, in fact, it was my best friend’s son, Peter. He’s seven years old now and we spent some time together when his parents had to go to an appointment. It was basically a babysitting mission, a favour for my friend. I took my boyfriend with me for some help, and we both looked after Peter for the afternoon.

We went to my friend’s house and spent some time there catching up with each other before they had to leave. Then we took my friend’s son out to a park nearby where they live. He was really excited about going out. Apparently he loves going to this park with his parents so we thought it would be a good idea if we took him so that he wouldn’t miss his parents so much while they were away.

Anyway, we spent ages playing on the swings and climbing and just having fun, and he loved playing rough with my boyfriend, they were tumbling and rolling all over the place having a great time. I’m really happy that my boyfriend loves kids like this and is really interested in enjoying time with the6. m.

Watching him play with Peter was just like watching two kids playing together, I think he enjoyed the time in the park as much as little Peter did to be honest, maybe even more. My boyfriend doesn’t have any nieces or nephews in his family so it was all a bit of a novelty for him.

So after our time at the park we went to get some ice cream at a place close to the park. And after that we took him home to get him cleaned up a bit before his parents returned. By the time they got back he was ecstatic to see them again and spent ages telling them all about is adventures in the park and how good the ice cream was. He really is a super little boy and I love him very much.

I’m already looking forward to the next time we spend some time with him.






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