17年8月最新雅思口语Part2话题答案:a café that you have been to.

小站整理2017-08-03 18:22:11

摘要:8月,与雅思口语的新题旧恨,请在小站处一笔斩断。​本文口语part2话题:Describe a café that you have been to.咖啡馆。注意:此话题极大可能将延续到9月的变题中。广大烤鸭,速速开练吧。

8月雅思口语题库Part2话题,由小站雅思频道为你带来全新范文答案,希望对广大烤鸭的口语备考添一点成功的筹码,8月奋战口语7分正在当下!结合范文提供的思路,收集相关的话题词汇,整理自己的答题思路,才是在考场中高分表现的最好保障!Describe a café that you have been to.咖啡馆

You should say

- where it is

- why you went there

- what you ate or drank

- and explain why you liked or disliked the café.


I went to a café about two weeks ago to attend a birthday celebration of one of my colleagues and this was a unique place that caught my eyes. The name of this café is ‘Café Metro’ and it’s near the City centre shopping mall. I was a bit inquisitive about the birthday celebration in a café. But after I reached there, I found out it was quite a large place and in fact had much more facilities than a conventional party centre. I once heard about this café but never went there as it is located far away from my house and office.

It was Thursday evening when one of my colleagues reminded me the birthday invitation of Mike. I went to the café with 3-4 colleagues and before reaching there we bought a gift for Mike.

There were about 30 people in total and most of them were my colleagues. I wished Mike a happy birthday and gave the present we bought. I sat in a corner and enjoyed the soft music that was playing. A piece of birthday cake was served and it was the first thing I ate there. After that, I drank a glass of water. I was then asked whether I would like to join the supper of wait a while. I had to get back home early that day and that’s why instead of a dinner, I preferred to eat my supper. But to my amazement, more than 20 items were served which were white heavy for the evening meal. However, I ate the soup first and then went for the traditional Italian item called primo. Then I ate antipasto before I ate the dessert. There were probably more items in the supper but I was full and did not eat anything further.

I would say I had a very delightful experience in this café. The environment was quite unique with gorgeous painting and decoration. The spacious café offered an excellent experience that made me like this place very much. The food items were delicious and the service boys were very friendly and amiable.






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