8月最新雅思口语P2话题答案:an interesting neighbour

小站整理2017-08-02 17:52:35

摘要:8月,与雅思口语的新题旧恨,请在小站处一笔斩断。​本文口语part2话题:Describe an interesting neighbour。广大烤鸭,速速开练吧。



Describe an interesting neighbour.

You should say:

Who this person is

How you know this person

What this person likes to do

And explain why you think this neighbor is interesting


首先,第一句话--承接题目。并引出第一问Who this person is

I’m lucky enough to live in an area where I have good neighbours. Well, the one who has left me great impression is Mr. Liu, a man of fun.

第二问:How you know this person. 这一部分大家要努力进行一些拓展,最好添加一些细节和情节,不要泛泛得一句话带过,这样才能描述得更充实。同时,因为是发生在过去的事情,一定要记得每一个动词都要变过去式哦!

I met him in the elevator of my apartment. I was waiting on the ground floor for the elevator and he was standing beside me. At first, we didn’t have talksbut a few moments later, he started talking on the phone. I came to know that he was the new tenant of the apartment opposite to mine. Then we got introduced inside the elevator and I invited him to be my guest for some tea.

第三问:What this person likes to do. 更加具体,切记不要罗列事件,一定要添加解释,最好与人物特色相衔接。

After that, we had a few catch up. Basically he is a computer engineer by profession and he loves to travel. He is filled with vast experiences of travelling in different parts of the world for his occupational purposes and has been hired by several globally renowned organisations.

最后一问:Why you think this person is interesting. 大家都知道,Part 2的最后一问一般都是以Why收尾,问你具体的原因,是前面介绍性的题目结束后对整个卡片的总结和升华。是需要大家浓墨重彩得去渲染和铺开的一个题目。建议此题目的答题时间不要少于30秒,而且要尽可能添加你的感受,你的原因,你的评价。

Whenever I meet him, I become pleased after talking with him. Mr. Liu is the man who will make you feel comfortable with his companion and you cannot stop laughing hearing his jokes and the way he talks. Sometimes he tells the stories of African people and their living styles, their cultures and customs. Besides, we have formed a network with few other neighbours in the apartment building, so that we can have chats regularly in the evening or during weekends when everyone is back from their works. I would say life is never dull when he is around. (画龙点睛的收尾)

Part 3 深入探讨

Part 3是在Part 2基础上的延伸,同时也是对当下社会问题的深入探讨。当今社会,我们和邻居的关系相比几十年前,薄弱了许多,不知道隔壁是谁的情况也越来越司空见惯。接下来的预测题目,就很好得衔接了这一社会现实。

1. Do you think neighbors are important?


Good advisors.They can always be good advisors and help you in making certain decisions of which you are totally confused.(给建议)

Vacation help. When you are out on a vacation, you would like to go without any stress. Good neighbours will keep an eye on your property or take care of your pets.(出门度假:帮忙看门看狗)

Help with parties. They can be helpers when you have a house party with lots of guests.(办趴体帮忙)


Have different jobs and schedules. They could seldom see or meet each other due to different jobs and schedules. People tend to go to their friends or colleagues for help instead of neighbours.

2. Do you think it's important to have a good relationship with one's neighbors?

Of course. Good neighbours wave at you, may stop to pet your dog and chat. Good neighbours take time to talk and smile and they reach out to connect you.

Helping each other--For example, when I'm out on a vacation, they can help me take care of my pet.

They are respectful--They avoid keeping others awake with loud parties and barking dogs. They respect your space and privacy.

3. Do you think people's relationships with their neighbors today is the same as it was in the past?(时态的切换)

Currently, the time that we interact with our neighbours becomes shorter. In the past, neighbours relied on each other on the daily and recreational aspect. For example, in the past, neighbourhood may hold some interesting activities such as playing cards. However, today, people spend more time on electronic devices such as computer or television.

4. What are the benefits of belonging to community?

Fun. Since we are social animals and when we are part of a community there are always social aspects involved that you can have a lot of fun at.(好玩)

Sense of belonging. (归属感)People share common interests. People would no longer feel lonely and they would lead healthier and happier life.

Inspiration and motivation. In strong communities there is always someone doing something amazing, which can have the effect of inspiring you to go harder and achieve bigger goals.(模范激励)






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