最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文: an occasion that you received a good service

小站整理2017-07-10 14:57:12

摘要:本文口语part2话题:Describe an occasion that you received a good service 。炎炎夏日烤鸭苦,清爽题库范文舞。与雅思口语的新题旧恨,请在小站处一笔斩断。

5-8月雅思口语题库Part2话题,由小站雅思频道为你带来全新范文答案,希望对广大烤鸭的口语备考添一点成功的筹码,7月奋战口语7分正在当下!5-8月要考试的同学们来收题啦!本范文,仅供参考,推荐大家整理属于自己的故事、观点与经历。口语的关键在于实际操练,纸上再好的范文也离不开口上清晰流畅的表达,大家加油吧。Describe an occasion that you received a good service from a restaurant or shop.



You should say:

what the service was

when and where you received the service

whom you were together with

and explain why you think it was a good service.


In terms of the occasion that I received a good service, I would like to share with you my experience in the restaurant called Hai Di Lao, one of the most famous hot pot chain store brands in China. I’ve long heard of the brand name but never got the chance to have a try until last month. When my birthday came, I enjoy the ho官方真题Officialt in the center of city, a newly opened one. I went there with my family members, altogether 8 people.

Actually, I went there half an hour in advance to avoid the long queue. When the time I arrived at the destination, there were many people waiting outside. When my father came, holding a birthday cake in his hands, the waiter came and invited us to come in and enjoy the ho官方真题Officialt. I was surprised coz it was not our turn. But we regarded it as a kind of good luck and enjoyed the ho官方真题Officialt in the restaurant for roughly two hours.

It was a real wonderful experience to enjoy food in the restaurant. And I felt quite moved to be treated so well in the restaurant. Later on, I knew the fact that the birthday cake made the waiter know that someone would celebrate birthday and he gave us the priority not to queue up. Also, most of the waiters or waitresses came to us and sang the song happy birthday to me was another thing that made me quite touched. I felt so appreciated that they not only gave me good birthday wishes but also I got a special birthday gift from them. What’s more, we got 20 percent off when we paid the bill. My experience made me believe that all the good comments of the restaurant are all true. I am deeply impressed by the good service from the restaurant.






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