17年5-8月雅思口语题库part2话题答案:an occasion that you arrive early 早到

小站教育2017-06-01 10:17:35

摘要:与雅思口语的新题旧恨,请在小站处一笔斩断。一转眼,雅思口语进入了5-8月的新一轮话题季,小站雅思频道第一时间为大家整理出范文答案,赶紧丧心病狂地开练吧,冲7正当下。​本文口语part2话题:an occasion that you arrive early 早到。范文旨在提供思路,大家切勿直接背诵。

Hey,烫手的5-8月雅思口语话题范文来啦!小站雅思君就是这么的有效率,这两天都是潜心于最新口语题目的整理与范文的编纂,动次打次,5-8月要考试的同学们来收题啦!本文话题:an occasion that you arrive early 早到的经历,范文仅供参考,推荐大家整理属于自己的故事、观点与经历。


Describe an occasion that you arrive early

You should say:

When did it happen

Where is this place

Why you came early

What did you do when waiting


I am very punctual by nature.I do not like to keep anyone waiting for me, and I also do not like it when anybody makes me wait

Here I would like to talk about a situation, when it was very important for me to arrive early.It was my cousin Roman’s 14th birthday in February, and my aunt and I had planned a surprise party for him.We had to do everything when he was in school.I reached their home two hours before his arrival and decorated the house with balloons and buntings

My mother baked the cake and made some snacks.We had invited his friends, but had told them to keep it a secret from Roman.I bought some cold drinks and some ready made fritters and cutlets.Before Roman came home, we had done all decorations and had laid the table.When Roman came home, we welcomed him with a loud birthday greeting song and gave him some hugs.He was very happy.I had bought a storybook for him as a birthday gift.It was a book on tales from Panchromatic.My mother also gave him a box of chocolates.Then his friends started pouring in one by one.He cut the cake and we all wished him.Then we all ate the snacks and had the cold drinks.After that we played musical chairs and danced to our favorite music.

It's a great time and fun.

Follow-up Questions

Why people are usually late for something?

What are the differences between the old and the young?

Some people would like to change the habit of being late? How can they change?

Is it time management important?






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