1-4月雅思口语part1话题答案:going out

小站教育2017-04-13 11:57:08

摘要:小站雅思频道为大家带来1-4月雅思口语题库part1话题的范文内容,希望大家好好练习起来,取得好成绩。这里给大家带来part1范文,共4个问题:going out(外出找乐子).

雅思口语part1往往被同学们认为是雅思口语三部分中较容易的部分。实际的确如此,part1 的难度最低,话题贴近生活,在这一答题过程中更易于同学们进入口语对话状态。但对于英文基础较差的同学,雅思口语part1部分虽然简单但依旧会暴露出语法,用词等不足。今天这里为大家整理1月雅思口语part1 中关于going out话题的答案。

注意:go out在这个话题的语境下的释义是:leave a room or building, especially in order to do something for entertainment.所以通俗一点就是“出去耍”。



1. Do you prefer going out or staying at home? Why?

A. I am the person who is interested in spending my spare time with my family. What matters is not about whether going out or staying at home, but being with my family,so both is ok to me.We can stay at home watching a whole day of old movies and ordering take-aways or we can make a wild field trip to the rarely beaten part of the city.

2. What will do if you go out?

A. In weekends, I am used to hanging out with my family members and spend on outdoor, sometimes we go to cinema or parks. In weekdays, I have to go to work and study. This is the usual thing I would be doing if I go out. Apart from that, sometimes I would like to hang out with my friends and visit naturally beautiful places in my hometown.

3.When you go out for an evening, what do you like to do?

I call my close friends to check out what they are doing and whether they are busy or not. If they are free, I either choose to visit a park and spend time there with my friends or arrange an outdoor game like cricket or badminton.Sometimes I go out for shopping in the evening if this is necessary or enjoy a movie in a movie theatre.

4.Do you prefer going out on your own or with friends?

You bet!being alone is boring while being someone's company is joyful.So my motto is the more the better.it really feels wonderful even when we just slob around the streets and do some idle joking and poking at each other.






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