
小站整理2017-12-11 14:59:25

摘要:当当当当,2018年最新的雅思口语真题预测,并配上最火热的口语高分答案。虽然常常受到冷待,但是在雅思考官的心目中,part1可是意义重大哟, 本文话题:mirror(镜子),共5个真题配范文!注意真题之间的答案是相对独立的。烤鸭,加油!




mirror 相关参考题目

1.How often do you look at yourself in the mirror every day?

2.Have you ever bought mirrors?

3.Would you use mirrors to decorate rooms?

4.Do you often look in the mirror?

5.Do you have mirror at home?

6.Is it a good idea to use mirrors in the interior design?

I have a mirror in my bathroom, and I look at myself while I am brushing my teeth. I then have another mirror at my makeup stand, and I look at it while putting on makeup. After that I do not really use it during the day.

Yes, when we were redecorating our bathroom, my mother asked me to come with her to choose a new mirror.

There are several different types of mirrors being made these days, and some are quite artistic. I have seen ones that are decorated with shells, as well as other types of decoration. This means that mirrors can be used as a wall decoration, rather than just something to look at our reflection, and I would use them in my house.

Not frequently. But, if I am going out for a party or may be on a date or if sometimes when I try a new look, I do look at mirror more than the usual times. So, one can find me catching a glimpse of me in the mirror of the car or the flash of a shiny thing, just to make sure that I am looking good. Apart from this, while preparing for a speech, well I usually prefer mirrors for that. But, otherwise mirror is surely not my best friend.

Presently, I am living in a furnished apartment. So, everything that is there was already placed and yes I do have mirrors in my home. There are two mirrors, each in one room and then there is a mirror in the bathroom as well.

I believe it depends on the individual’s choice. Someone who loves their own reflection, can probably have lot of mirrors in their interior designs, otherwise one may choose not to have. But, for me, I would love to have mirrors in the interiors of my house. But, I would prefer having them in such a way that they reflect the outside beauty in the mirrors.







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