9-12月雅思口语P3话题范文: interesting trip

小站整理2016-10-14 14:27:20

摘要:本文为大家带来雅思口语9-12月的Part3口语范文,是和interesting trip有关的8个问题,以及相对应的范文。范文表达地道,用词准确,相信会对大家的备考有所帮助,赶快来看一下吧!

今天小站雅思频道为大家带来雅思口语Part3口语范文,题目是关于interesting trip,来看一下相关的8个问题及答案:

1.Have you ever shared this traveling experience with your friends?

2.What do you need to prepare when you travel to a place far away?

3.What choices would young people make when it comes to travel?

4.What problems do you think will happen in a long journey?

5.How can people make the long journey comfortable?

6.Do most people like to travel with someone or travel alone?

7.Where do Chinese people like to travel to most?

8.Do you prefer to travel in your own country or travel abroad?

1.Yes, I like sharing my traveling experience with friends on websites. There’s a website named Nations Worldwide, which allow users become friends and create groups to share their traveling experience. Sometimes I create a personal travel map and share it on social media, such as on micro-blog. I also post photos and videos on the websites, and add friends, family members and fellow travelers to network with. I think sharing experiences is one of the most valuable things in life.

2.Well, if I’m not familiar with this place, I’ll read up on where I’m going on the map and make a list of the places that most interest me. Since it’s a long journey, I think safety is the first priority. I may contact a local travel agency and arrange accommodation in advance. I’m always practical when I pack, so I just take money, medicines, comfy shoes and clothes that I can mix and match. In this way, I can travel lighter, if I need something else, I’ll buy it on the journey.

3.of them. I’m independent-minded and I like doing ventures sometimes. I have travelled to South Korea, Bali on my own, and currently driving around Australia on my own.

4.Lots of problems could occur in one’s trip. One of the biggest problem is the cancellation of air service or delay which completely interrupt the trip. Also, personal problems like getting sick also need to be considered. Infection is very common due to blend food that is out of our eating habits. If people travel to some tropical countries, they may suffer from virus infections, and mosquitos also generate diseases.

5.My advice is to take less luggage. Well-prepared and travelling light will make the trip be a rewarding delight. So every time I take a long journey, I only take a change of clothes, a camera and enough money. In terms of accommodation condition, I don’t care too much about it, but there should be at least a comfortable, clean bed.

6.I think most people like to travel with a companion. People always have someone to talk to if they travel in a group. They can share food, clothing, accommodations, and they will also have someone to share their memories with. What’s more, people may forge a life-long friendship with their travel companions.

7.I think Chinese people want to go abroad for the same reasons anyone would: so see a new country and experience a different culture. They may also want to see what other people think about China. There aren’t many foreigners living within China so it can be fine to find one to talk to. The Olympic Games recently exposed many Chinese people to the international community; they may have a new taste for international travel as well. Another reason may be to improve their English or to study at a foreign university. There are thousands of Chinese students studying for a degree or enrolled at language schools all across Europe and North America.

8.I prefer travelling domestically. Because I think it’s usually more expensive to travel abroad than travel domestically. The plane tickets and accommodation can cost a lot of money. The second reason could be that I find it stressful to travel in a foreign country where I can neither understand the local language nor easily integrate with the locals. Considering these reasons, I choose to travel domestically since I can also enjoy a wonderful time and go to more places with less money.






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