9月最新雅思口语Part2范文速递:An interesting or unusual thing you do

小站教育2016-09-08 18:40:31

摘要:小站雅思频道第一时间为大家带来9月雅思口语变题季各部分话题范文。本文给大家带来的是part2新题Describe an interesting or unusual thing you do in your spare time.的范文,9月有考试的同学们抓紧来学习啦!

一转眼,雅思口语进入了9-12月的新题季。小站雅思频道第一时间为大家整理出范文答案:Describe an interesting or unusual thing you do in your spare time,赶紧丧心病狂地开练吧!更多话题答案,小站持续制作中,各位请持续关注哦~



Task:Describe an interesting or unusual thing you do in your spare time.闲时有趣的事

You should say:

What it is.

Who you would like to do it with.

How often you do it.

Explain why you feel about it.


1.Brief introduction

What do I do in spare time? Well there’s lots of different things I could tell you about – I’m a pretty active person and Ilike to keep myself busy so even when I’m not working I’m always doing something.

2.What it is

I suppose my favourite activity is simply riding my bicycle. I moved to Cambridge about a year now and it’s a city famous for being bike friendly – perhaps because it’s so flat. So I decided to buy myself a bike. At first it was just to go to work but I enjoyed it so much that I also started cycling for fun.

3.When and where I do it

At first I would just ride around the city by myself – going through some of the parks and down by the riverside. Then I discovered that there was a really active Cycling Club. It’s really just a group of people who like to get out and about on the weekend. So I joined up and started going out with them most Saturdays. We don’t tend to go very far – normally only around 20-25 miles and we don’t race. The idea is just to enjoy the day and we normally end up in one of the local villages and share a meal or picnicbefore heading back into the city.

4.Why I enjoy it

I enjoy cycling because it’s of course good exercise and I like to keep fit. But it’s a bit more than that. It allows me to get out of the city and see some of the countryside.


To overcome the monotony of daily life everyone needs something interesting.I usually do many activities in my leisure time such as drawing, gardening and dancing.But here I would like to talk about an unusual activity which I found really interesting.

It was Furoshiki.It is a Japanese technique. I learnt this art from the internet.

Actually my friend sent me link of its video on my e-mail account.It was a 10 minute video.I liked it very much.Furoshiki is an art of making handbags with the help of cloth and also it is art of wrapping a gift with cloth.Such beautiful things made of cloth are a part of everyday life.I have made it by using old cloth.It is easy to make and quite attractive.It is elegant and timeless.It requires no sewing.We can make a bag using a few knots and twists to cloth.It is amazing how a few twists and knots can transform a thin cloth to a beautiful handbag.It can be used for many household purposes and also for shopping.

I liked it because it is an eco-friendly bag and easy to carry. The Japanese government is promoting this art in an effort to save the environment.We all waste a lot of paper in wrapping gifts and other things.Furoshiki gift wraps are reusable.I have taught this art to many of my cousins and friends.It is my individual step to save environment.






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