
小站整理2016-08-25 11:08:41

摘要:雅思口语part 2部分让很多考生闻风丧胆,其实只要掌握了正确的代替思路,我们就能搞定part 2不在话下。今天和大家分享雅思口语Part 2地点类话题的答题实例讲解,相信大家看完会有收获!

在雅思考试的 part 2 部分,地点类话题是必考的话题类型之一,在回答地点类题目的时候,很多烤鸭回答的时候都把重点放在了如何形容这个地点上,弄得通篇答案都在描述这个地点如何好,如何难忘,但是却显得毫无内容。地点类话题虽然说浅显,但是要得高分也还是得用到一点技术的!下面总结了地点类话题一般会提问到的问题,然后通过范例给大家讲解一下如何在地点类话题中拿高分!

有意思的公共场所 Describe an interesting public place that you like to visit 最喜欢的公园 Describe your favourite park in your city(town)

在看到题目的第一瞬间,烤鸭们就要在脑海里形容 3 个 W 的答题思路:

1. Where is this place?

既然是地点类话题,那么肯定会问到这个地点在哪里?虽然一般是第一小问,但是依然不好回答!因为考验的是烤鸭的方位形容能力!烤鸭们除了要知道东南西北之外,还有熟悉一些方位词汇的运用,比如说 opposite, close, near,以及一些介词的用法 in, on, off 等等.

2. When did you go? & Who did you go with?

为什么要把这两个点放在一起说呢?因为这两个问题一般都是出现在前 3 个小问中,只要求烤鸭直截了当地把内容说出来就好,不用绕太多圈子,多说反而显得啰嗦累赘!再者,有一些语速偏慢的烤鸭,如果在前面 3 个小问中花费太多时间来回答的话,最后一问的答案中内容就会拓展得不够充分,甚至有可能完全没有提及.

3. What‘s special about this place?

这两个问题就是重头戏了!遇到地点类话题的时候,如果烤鸭单纯描述这个地点是如何好或者如何地令人难忘,其实是一个很空泛的回答,比如说描述 park 的时候就谈到在大树下乘凉,谈到 library 的时候就说里面的书很多。这么 cliché的东西,实在是没什么亮点!因此,能够 specifically 指出你在这个地点做了什么,或者是这个地点中的某些事物是你觉得有什么不一样的,回答就会瞬间有内容多了!比如说,烤鸭在聊到 A café or restaurant that impresses you 这个话题的时候,是不是就可以说一说 café 里面的 drinks 或者是 restaurant



Describe a place you stayed for a short time and want to visit again.

You should say: where you went;

who you went with;

how long you stayed there;

And explain why you would like to visit the place again.

The place I stayed for a short while and would like to visit again is Hong Kong Coliseum. I went shopping with my friends in HK some time ago and went there during our short stay in that city. I spotted that world-renowned venue on our way back home and decided to check it out. Since we were in a hurry, I stayed there for less than an hour.

where & when & who 的经典搭配,烤鸭不用花费大篇幅去描述前三问,在范例中,几乎每一问都直接一句话带过,要的就是这种简单粗暴!

It looked like an upside-down pyramid or a white diamond from outside. I’d heard that it cost almost there hundred million yuan for the construction and renovation. So I thought its interior must be splendid, with marvelous sound effect and incredible lighting. But during my short stay there last time, I never had the chance to experience that. This is the main reason why I would go back there again.

这一题,实际上烤鸭就在描述香港体育馆的 interesting parts, 从外观上看,这个地方就像一个金字塔或者一个巨型钻石, 建筑费用高昂,而且场馆内的声音和灯光效果都十分出色,通过描述出来了这些 interesting 的地方,表现了自己对这个场馆的浓厚兴趣。

Another reason is that I would like to visit there again for a music concert. In fact, almost every Chinese knows it coz it is frequently mentioned in entertainment news when referring to a concert. Indeed, as it seats as many as 10,000 audience in all directions, each Hong Kong singer and singers from mainland as well are eager and proud to give a concert there. Naturally, it attracts music lovers of all age groups, especially young people like me.

Apart from pop music concert, once in a while, there are some orchestras performing there. And some important ceremonies or galas will be held there too. As an orchestral music fan, I would like to know how an orchestra sounds like in that specially designed place.


除了能够听到来自香港和大陆音乐人表演的 pop music concerts 之外,还能看到 orchestras 表演和一些重大的活动庆典,并且“我”本身也是一个音乐迷,因此会希望能够 visit this place again。逻辑清晰, 内容丰富,这样的回答想不高分都难啊!







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