2016年5月雅思口语part2新题思路详解+范文:Describe a character or personality .

小站教育2016-06-08 14:44:19

摘要:小站雅思君今天跟大家分享5月雅思口语变题季part2新题Describe a character or personality of yours.(描述你的性格)思路及范文,欢迎同学们参考!


雅思口语5-8月最新话题范文汇总-Part 2部分,点击进入...


Describe a character or personality of yours.

You should say:

What it is

How it affects your life

Where you get it from

and how you feel about it






Sample answer:

Thank you very much for the topic. It’s kind of tough to talk about someone’s own personal characteristics as I believe, the way we judge ourselves differs from the perspective (观点)other people judge us. Nonetheless, we all have our own idea about our own characteristics and I would like to talk about my ability to stay calm even in the time of distress(危难).

I am not hot tempered and I try to remain clam no matter how severe(严峻的) the situation and I find it as a helpful characteristics. From my own experience I can say that, whenever I got very much vibrated and acted very promptly(迅速地) without giving much consideration about the situation, I did not take the right decision and I repentance(后悔) for that.

In my opinion that should be a common characteristics among other people but my personal experiences sometimes contradicts(反驳) my opinion as I often find people who can’t remain calm in adverse(有害的) situation and act very weirdly(古怪地). So to say, this is not a rare quality but many people lack it.

Remaining calm and using brain rather than the tongue(舌头) is a helpful characteristic as it would help you taking the right decision and would show you the right way and course of actions. Being very fragile(弱的) in action and taking prompt decision without thinking can sometimes lead us to misunderstanding and can ruin (摧毁)relationship. Not being able to remain calm also shows your weakness and that often allure(诱导) you to take a completely wrong decision.

To me this is a very important characteristic. This quality has saved me from making many mistakes and saved me from lamenting later on. Being able to remain calm in an adverse situation helps me taking the right decision and that’s something which I find very helpful in my personal and professional life.








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