2016年9月雅思口语part2预测题思路详解+范文:Describe an antique

小站教育2016-06-08 11:36:12

摘要:小站雅思君今天跟大家分享9月雅思口语变题季part2预测题Describe an antique or some other old thing that your family has kept for a long time.(描述家里保留了很久的股东或者其他的老物件)思路及范文,欢迎同学们参考!




Describe an antique or some other old thing that your family has kept for a long time.

You should say:

what it is

how (or when) your family first got this thing

how long your family has kept it

and explain why this thing is important to your family.






Sample answer:

Some of the books which once owned and used by my grandfather are still kept with care in our house. My grandfather was a doctor and he kept his medical books and reference books with him. When he died, I was a 5 years old kid and can hardly remember things about him. But I heard that he was a great person and a first-class(一流的) doctor. Everyone in our locality revered (尊敬)him and respected him very much. After his death, my father took one of his used tables, an arm chair, and a big portrait(肖像) of my grand grand-father and some of my grandfather’s books as the remembrance of his memory. Among those things my grandfather’s medical books survived and are still reserved in our book-shelf.

These books would be more than 70-80 years old and we have those books in our shelf for the last 20 years. The caretakers sometimes bring out those books and clean those and finally put them in the shelf again. I once opened some of the books when I was a school boy and found almost everything very obscure(难以理解). Basically they are medical related terms and that's why seemed jargon to me.

My family has kept these books as the souvenir of my grandfather's memory. My father was very beloved by my grandfather and I am sure he esteemed(尊敬) my grandfather very much. These books are the only tangible(有形的) belongings my father has which were used by my grandfather and conveys my grandfather's reminiscences(回忆). Though these books do not have their material values but they are priceless(无价的) to our family and remind us the precious memory of our grandfather.








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