2016年5月雅思口语变题季part1新题答案:Sunny days

小站教育2016-05-20 14:55:51

摘要:分享5月雅思口语变题季part 1新题关于Outdoor Activities话题的问题和答案,这个话题一共有4道真题,主要问到考生喜不喜欢晴天,晴天通常做什么,天气好的时候喜欢宅在家还是出去玩,以及你的家乡晴天多不多。来看完整答案!

雅思口语5月变题季part 1部分关于晴天话题的一共是有4道新题.主要问到Do you like sunny days?;What do you like to do when it' s a sunny day?;Would you like to stay at home or go outside when the weather is great?;Are there many sunny days in your hometown?等4个问题,全部内容,一起来看全文!

5月雅思口语part 1新题答案汇总,点击进入...

1.Do you like sunny days?

Yes,well,It depends,I sweat a lot in sunny days ,but in winter ,it gives me a warm feeling and put me in a good mood for the whole day .I really like the feeling when seeing the sunshine through the window in winter .It is fantastic!


2.What do you like to do when it' s a sunny day?

Well ,on sunny day .I can do some outdoor activities such as swimming ,camping ,hiking or have a bbq with my friend in the park or even flying kite with my little cousin .


3.Would you like to stay at home or go outside when the weather is great?

Personally, I prefer going outside. Especially in summer, I like to go to the beach and I can swimming in the sea and lie down on the soft sand ,enjoying a wonderful sunbath and the nice view of the sea and sky.


4.Are there many sunny days in your hometown?

The weather is quite extreme in my hometown, actually. I mean in spring and summer, there are many sunny days, and it’s scorching. While in autumn and winter, it's always rainy and freezing cold.







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