5月雅思口语Part2多版本范文:Describe a picture or photograph in your family

小站整理2016-05-16 14:19:29

摘要:雅思口语换题季来啦!今天为大家带来的是很多考生已经在苦苦寻找的2016年5月~8月雅思口语题库新增的一道Part2的真题、范文和语料,Describe a picture or photograph in your family,描述一个家人的照片。大家赶快来看一下吧!

5月份是雅思口语的换题季,题库中又多了一些考试题目,所以,小站雅思频道第一时间为大家带来2016年5~8月雅思口语题库中的新增题目的范文以及语料,赶快来看一下吧!今天为大家带来的Part2题目是:Describe a picture or photograph in your family.


You should say:

What is in the picture

Where this picture is in your home

How this picture was taken

And explain why you think this picture is meaningful


There is a picture of my mother father and myself when I was a baby. We had been at the photo studio all day long and like every child I hated taking pictures. I was annoyed and there was no way the photographer was going to get me to smile. As a result, my mother and father were standing and I was sitting there pouting. Its just so cute!

I like it because it is unique. I use self-timer taking pictures and smile all the time although I am not photographic, but this is the only one I was pouting with silly face. Also, it was the first time I took a picture in a photo studio with my family, so it was a memorabilia experience for me and my family. Moreover, such an old picture can reminds me of the childhood happiness which is being a stupid kid doing whatever I want. Now, I have already hung this family picture in the dining room so I can see it all the time.


Well, like most people, I have absolutely heaps of family photographs, most of which I really like, so it was kind of difficult deciding on which one to talk about, but after a bit of thought, I've decided a good one to describe would be a picture of my brother, sister, mum, and myself, together with two of our cousins, which was taken during a weekend trip we went on to Suzhou.

As for who took the photo, well in actual fact, it was just some random passerby, because if I remember correctly, we were just walking over one of Suzhou’s many little bridges when we stopped for a quick moment to take a few photos of the river passing between the old, traditional buildings. And it was at that point when we thought that it would be a nice to have a picture of us all together. So we basically just waited there for someone to come past who would take one for us, and thankfully someone came along!

Anyway, with regard to when this photo was taken, well to be completely honest with you, I can't remember exactly, but off the top of my head I guess it must have been something like four or five years ago, because it was round about the time I had just finished high school, and I remember thinking that it would be nice to do a bit a travelling around before starting university.

So finally then, moving on to why I like this photo so much, well it's kind of hard of pinpoint an exact reason, but I suppose it's partly because we hardly every go on trips together with our cousins, so it's really nice to have a picture of us all on holiday. And probably what makes this photo especially nice is that everyone looks really natural in it, so in other words, no one's putting on a fake smile or anything, which goes to show that we were all really enjoying ourselves. I should also add that I'm generally not very photogenic, but in this particular photo I actually don't look too bad, so that would be another reason why I quite like it!

Ok, I guess that pretty much covers everything, so thanks a lot for listening.






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