5月雅思口语Part2多版本范文:Describe a new skill you want to learn

小站整理2016-05-13 18:01:30

摘要:雅思口语换题季来啦!今天为大家带来的是很多考生已经在苦苦寻找的2016年5月~8月雅思口语题库新增的一道Part2的真题、范文和语料,Describe a new skill you want to learn,描述一个你想学的新本领。大家赶快来看一下吧!

5月份是雅思口语的换题季,题库中又多了一些考试题目,所以,小站雅思频道第一时间为大家带来2016年5~8月雅思口语题库中的新增题目的范文以及语料,赶快来看一下吧!今天为大家带来的Part2题目是:Describe a new skill you want to learn.


You should say:

What it is

Where you can learn it

How to learn it

And explain why you want to learn it.


The skill I’d like to talk to you about is skating, which is the most popular activity in my hometown during winter. As agirl who grew up in the northeast of China, I have a great affection for ice and snow. We have four distinct seasons in a year, but winter is the longest one, which lasts more than 4 months. So those exciting outdoor activities like skiing and skating have become our favorite pastime in the freezing cold winter. When I was little, my cousins liked to hang out at my place because there used to be a big rink in the neighborhood. They just loved to chase each other, which seemed like a lot of fun.Sadly they didn’t allow me to join them ‘cause they thought I was too little, and I might get hurt by the blade on the ice skate. After I entered primary school, during the first winter vacation, my father finally agreed to teach me how to skate. I was thrilled, you know, it was like a dream came true. But it was not as easy as I assumed it would be. After I put on the ice skates, I could barely stand on the ice. I’ve no idea how my cousins could keep their balance and run on the rink effortlessly. I was too clumsy and scared to get the hang of it. And I have to admit, it was a little embarrassing having those kids who were about the same age watching me. But I really wanted to learn this skill, so later on, I would start early in the morning, just tobeat the crowds, you know. My dad believes in practice makes perfect, I’m super grateful that he didn’t give up on me even though I was so uncoordinated. After a whole vacation’s falling and tumbling, I was finally able to glide over the ice.Honestly, although it was not a big achievement, I’m still pretty proud of myself.


I would like to learn the taekwondo which is a historical Korean martial arts and also is an excellent method of keeping fit and getting toned. I learned it a bit when I was a boy and I want to learn more about it in the future.

Actually there is a traditional taekwondo school located just near the sub district. The school is not very big or famous, but it’s very convenient. Besides, it also has several qualified and experienced teachers. Every time I pass by the school gate, I really would like to go inside, enrol the entry-level course and select my instructor. It would be very excited to wear the uniforms and the belt. I believe I would start learning it from the basics, like the front kick and roundhouse kick. It’s very cool.

I guess it is just a fashionable hobby because it will enable me to build strength, improve my balance, coordination and flexibility. Apart from its health benefits, it can also teach me how to be calm, respect for others, control my movements and self-defense. Furthermore, it will help reinforce the traditional values like honesty, courtesy, courage and indomitable spirit.






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