5月雅思口语part2新题范文语料:Describe a positive change you have made.

小站教育2016-05-13 14:35:02

摘要:5月雅思口语变题季part2新题Describe a positive change you have made.(描述你做过的一个积极改变)。积极的改变很多种,改变原来不好的,消极的习惯,比如戒烟,比如戒酒etc。总之呢,这个改变就是让事情往更好的地方发展就是了。


1. Decide what is most important.

In Essentialism(基本教育说): The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, Greg McKeown writes that too many of us “major in minor activities.” We think we can do everything, instead of acknowledging that we have finite resources of time and energy.

“Only once you give yourself permission to stop trying to do it all, to stop saying yes to everyone, can you make your highest contribution to the things that really matter,” he writes.

Many activities may be good, or even very good, McKeown writes. But “most are trivial and few are vital.”

2. Do good for others.

Nonprofit executive Allan Lucs coined the term “helper’s high” to describe “the powerful physical feelings people experience when directly helping others.”

Scientific research has confirmed the biochemical nature of the process: Volunteering reduces stress and spurs the release of endorphins, “the brain’s natural painkillers,” Lucs says.

If you don’t feel ready to make a regular commitment to volunteer, try doing singular good deeds for friends, neighbors or strangers. Check the website RandomActsofKindness.org for ideas. Examples: leave a generous tip as a surprise for a waiter. Be kind to someone you don’t like. Sign up to be an organ or bone marrow donor.

3.Forgive the one person who least deserves it.

You’ve probably heard the saying: Holding onto anger is like swallowing(吞咽) poison and waiting for the other person to die. It’s a powerful image, and one many of us can relate to. Its message is straightforward(简单的): When you harbor resentment(心怀怨恨 )and bitter(痛苦的) feelings, the person who suffers the most is you.

Frederic Luskin, a professor and senior consultant(顾问) in health promotion at Stanford University, conducts research on the transformative nature of forgiveness. It has shown that people who learn to forgive “experience less anger, feel less stress and suffer less depression,” he writes.

Forgiveness also has physical health benefits, including a decrease in backaches, muscle tension, headaches, upset stomachs and blood pressure.






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