雅思口语Part2多版本范文:Describe a product you bought which made you very happy

小站整理2016-05-12 16:20:52

摘要:雅思口语换题季来啦!今天为大家带来的是很多考生已经在苦苦寻找的2016年5月~8月雅思口语题库新增的一道Part2的真题、范文和语料,Describe a product you bought which made you very happy,描述一个产品。大家赶快来看一下吧!

5月份是雅思口语的换题季,题库中又多了一些考试题目,所以,小站雅思频道第一时间为大家带来2016年5~8月雅思口语题库中的新增题目的范文以及语料,赶快来看一下吧!今天为大家带来的Part2题目是:Describe a product you bought which made you very happy.


You should say:

What it is,

When you bought it,

Why you bought it,

And explain why it made you happy


Ok then, well firstly I’d just like to mention that I’m quite lucky because my parents have always bought stuff for me, so I seldom buy something by myself. But one occasion that I did save up to buy something myself was when I got my iPad, which really made me happy and that’s what I’d like to talk about.

And um, I think it took me about four or five months to save up for it, and I basically did it by cutting back on other things, you know, like eating out and buying clothes. At that time, I study in a college, I mean, I don’t have a job, unfortunately, so the only money I receive is my living allowance which my parents give me every month, and that’s what I had to use to pay for it.

Anyway, regarding why I wanted an iPad, well I suppose the main reason was that I’m a big Apple fan. You know, I already had an iPhone and laptop, so the only thing I was missing was an iPad. I also watched Steve Jobs’ presentation of the iPad when it was launched, and it looked pretty cool. So I just thought it would be great to have one!

And as for how I felt after buying it, well first of all, I was really excited and happy, you know, because I couldn’t wait to start using it. And it also felt great because I’d saved up for it myself instead of simply asking my parents to buy it for me. So for that reason, it just felt a bit more special to me, if you know what I mean!


The product I bought and feel happy with is a bag. This product left a deep impression on me because it is the first time that I bought something without asking for money from my parents. I remember that day, when I was shopping with my friends, I saw a pink bag lying on the counter and my eyes cannot move away from it. The price of the bag was so expensive that I couldn’t afford it during that time. I knew this bag was a kind of luxury item, my parents definitely would not buy it for me. So I determined to buy it by my own effort. After that day, I used all my spare time doing some part-time job and saved money for that dream bag. Fortunately, in the last year of my birthday, I earned enough money to buy that bag. I entered that store and bought it without any hesitation. At that moment, I clearly know that I feel happy with this product not because its luxury or how pretty it was, but I bought it by myself and this gives me sense of achievement and happiness.






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