2016年5月雅思口语part2新题范文+语料:Describe a mistake you made

小站教育2016-05-11 15:17:23

摘要:分享5月雅思口语变题季part2新题Describe a mistake that you once made.(描述你曾经犯过的一个错误)范文和语料,欢迎同学们参考!

雅思口语5月变题季part2最新话题:Describe a mistake that you once made.(描述你曾经犯过的一个错误)。人没有完美的,谁长这么大都犯过错误,跟雅思考官分享一个吧,说得好就有高分拿哦~



Describe a mistake that you once made.

you should say:

what the mistake was

when, where you made it

who was with you and how the mistake affected you

Sample answer:

I had a project I was working on, and while I was in the middle of typing up my documentation(文件), my computer started acting weird(奇怪的). It froze for a while and so I rebooted(重启). After 10 minutes, the computer showed a blue screen saying that there were problems and recommended that I reboot the computer again. After another reboot, everything appeared to be ok. I continued my work and finished for the day. I spent two days on this assignment(人物) and when I went to retrieve my data the next day to double check my work, my computer wouldn't start up. A technician came and found that my hard drive malfunctioned. I lost all the data and lost two days of work.

I was disappointed and thought I would never trust a computer again, but there was a great lesson to be learned. I had a couple of warnings and I ignored them. From then on(从那时起), I practiced being someone who can anticipate(解决) problems. I now think of potential problems ahead of time and pay attention to details along the way. If I applied this sooner, I would have saved the data on another computer and I wouldn't have lost a couple days of work. But I can't say I regret making the mistake because it made me someone who can anticipate problems better."




1.I was given a project to complete in a week. I understood the project, but I misinterpreted(误解) one section. After completing the project, I was told by my manager that it was done incorrectly. I really made a mistake by assuming(假设) incorrectly in one of the sections instead of asking for clarification(说明). I learned not to assume through the mistake I made.

2.One mistake I made was early on in my time at “company X”. I was reporting to a few different people and constantly(不断地) had people asking me to work on different projects. Based on the amount of work, sometimes it would take me a little longer to do something for person B because I was working hard on something for person A. One mistake I made was that I took on all of the projects and didn’t let both person A and B know what else I was working on. Once they understood this, we were all able to be more in the loop and set realistic(务实的) expectations and deadlines.






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