雅思口语Part2范文:Describe a place near a lot of water you enjoyed visiting

小站整理2016-05-11 14:36:51

摘要:雅思口语换题季来啦!今天为大家带来的是很多考生已经在苦苦寻找的2016年5月~8月雅思口语题库新增的一道Part2的真题、范文和语料,Describe a place near a lot of water you enjoyed visiting,描述一个水边的地方。大家赶快来看一下吧!

5月份是雅思口语的换题季,题库中又多了一些考试题目,所以,小站雅思频道第一时间为大家带来2016年5~8月雅思口语题库中的新增题目的范文以及语料,赶快来看一下吧!今天为大家带来的Part2题目是:Describe a place near a lot of water you enjoyed visiting.


You should say:

Where this place was

Who you went there with

What you did there


When I was still a little girl, my parents took me to a local park near my home. Then something funny happened in that park. I have a very vague (模糊的)memory of it. Thus most of the story comes from my parents. They clearly remember all the details since according to them “It’s just so cute in this way”. In that park, there was a fountain with cute goldfish in its pool. After some running and laughing, I was a little tired and asked to take a rest. My father then took me to the fountain and sat on its edge for a break. I was so curious with the fountain, so I turned to it, standing on the edge of it, and looked at the pool. I found the gold fish and felt exalted. I was so excited that I tried to point the goldfish to my mother: “Look at the goldfish!” Then I lost balance and fell into the fountain pool crying out “Help me, daddy!” Fortunately, the pool did not have much water in it. I was pulled out by my father right away but I got wet. My parents kept talking about this for years because I somehow looked very cute at that time after being pulled out, wearing my father’s big coat. I felt funny too when I think of this. Every time I see a fountain, I always remember my childhood full of happiness.


The place I’m all dreaming about is the place in Mediterranean area. It can be any country, region, or any city located there, such as Greece and Morocco. The deep blue sea and unique style of housing decoration are pictures that always come into my mind. Besides that, the mouthwatering foods there are another part which makes me crazy about.


The Mediterranean has always been listed as one of the Top 10 World’s tourist attractions, especially for those newly-wed couples flying all the way from other countries and starting the hot honeymoon vacation. In China, you know, it’s not that easy to find a sea like that, and it’s boring to see modern buildings with similar shape all the time. But the Mediterranean style houses—blue and white appearance is pretty much like refreshment to the pale world, or like adding spice to meals. I guess the feeling will be fantastic!

这个部分的内容是继开头部分中提到的“deep blue sea and unique style of housing decoration”进行扩展描述,具体解释。

The live seafood has been another reason that pushes me coming to visit. A large range of seafood can be found in local market and seaside restaurant, such as oysters, salmon, lobsters, sea cucumbers, and so forth. Another thing, which is particularly popular on Mediterranean table, is the high quality olive oil, liquid gold as the nickname. I’m so curious about how the locals drink olive oil simply because they enjoy it too much! People there seem to lead a very peaceful life, by that I mean, they don’t worry about the pollution, for no one have the heart to destroy such art-like environment.

对开头部分提到的“mouth-watering seafood”进行扩展描述,通过罗列的方式举出哪些seafood。

There are so many attractions for me to go and see it someday in person; otherwise it’s still a dream. And of course, I’ll bring my father a bottle of fine wine, since it’s also the place where the best white wine comes from.

最后通过另外一个小点“white wine”进行简单结尾。






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