
小站整理2016-05-04 14:53:56



强势插入: 2016年雅思口语part123话题大汇总(点击进入)

1.口语topic--Describe an APP(共3题)(全部题目范文及语料点击进入)


答案for Q2:What are the drawbacks about using an APP?

Well, I think it is fair to say that there are a few negative aspects with regard to these apps. I guess the most unfavourable quality would be that people will indulge themselves into the virtual world, rather than interacting with others in the real world. For instance, there are several social network apps that attract users so much that they are addicted to chat with online friends but neglect to communicate with people nearby. As well as this, an additional limitation may be that these apps would to some extent leak the users’ privacy. On top of that, another shortcoming of using app too much is that it will do harm to people’s eyesights, especially for children.



答案for Q4:What is the difference in the past and at the present as regards communications?

Thanks for your question. Communication has experienced the greatest change and there are wide ranges of communications system. The humankind started progress with the invention of wheel and since then communication has gained many ups and downs. We can see a good number of communication modes now like telephone, telex, e-mail, letter social networking websites etc. but those underwent different upgrades from time to time and they were not in the situation as we are experiencing them now. I also have heard that a long ago people used pigeon to send messages from one place to another though a bit risky communication mode. After the initiation of postal service, it was a kind of relief for the people and communication became easy for them in the then context. But when the modern communication modes got invented, it becomes easier for them. The modern communication modes spread rapidly within a few decades and now people rely more on the modern modes instead of the traditional communication modes.







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