
小站教育2016-04-25 16:32:15



1. Do you work somewhere?

Yes, I am working as a Business Analyst in a large IT company. the name of this company is IT Vista and I joined there 2 years ago.

2. What do you do for living?

The job is my main source of income. Apart from that I work as a part-time consultant in a Business organisation and do some professional content writing as a free lancer.

3. How much time do you spend at your job?

I spent around 8 hours everyday in my day job. I get Saturday and Sunday off from this job which I utilise to spend time with my family. I work about 4 hours as a consultant in another office on Friday and Sunday. Apart from that my free lancing career requires me 2 hours approximately each night. So on an average I spend around 9-10 hours per day at my job.

4. How long have you been working?

As a full-time employee I am working for the last 4 years. But I started my freelancing career far before than that.

5. Do you like your job?

Definitely I love my job. I love the work I do and I like to be productive in my job field. In fact my job brings me my bread and butter and I am grateful for having a nice job in a prestigious organisation.

6.What are you doing these days?

You mean in my office right? In my office I am working on requirement creation for a large software and I need to report the progress everyday to the team lead. Apart from that I am writing a pdf manual for a client.

7.What do you do in a typical day at work?

I mostly research different software and try to understand what the market leaders of a particular software are doing. I document their strong and weak points and then call a meeting to describe my findings. Then I take feedback from the developers and other senior managers to finalise my software requirement. I often attend meetings with my CEO and team members to track the progress of a project.

8. Have you always wanted to do this type of work?

If you mean working in a software company, yes, I wanted to work as a software developer and then working in more seniors positions as soon as I got admitted in my university. But before that I always wanted to be a doctor.

If you mean working as a business analyst, that would be difficult to answer. I never thought to be a business analyst till the day I was promoted to this position. However, if you ask me what I think now, I would say I love this job position and I was lucky to be promoted to this position.

9. How long have you been doing this job?

Well, I am working as a business analyst for the last one year and a half. Before that I worked as a programmer for about 2 years.

10.How long will you continue to do this type of work?

Umm! I will continue to work for this type of job at least next 5 to 6 years. After that I have a plan to become an entrepreneur and run my own software company.

11.Would you like to do a different job in the future?

I might try to work as a part-time web-strategist for a large web-development company. But I have not given it that much thought. I would love to continue my current job role for the next few years but won’t be interested to work in a different sector unless and until I start my own software company.






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