2016年4月雅思口语Part2预测考题及范文--Describe a place near water

小站整理2016-04-25 15:10:52

摘要:雅思口语话题discrib a place near water算是比较常见的考题了,之前在考试中出现过几次,本文为大家带来该口语话题的多个版本的答案,同时还有和此话题相关的Part 3的问题,希望大家好好准备。

The live seafood has been another reason that pushes me coming to visit. A large range of seafood can be found in local market and seaside restaurant, such as oysters, salmon, lobsters, sea cucumbers, and so forth. Another thing, which is particularly popular on Mediterranean table, is the high quality olive oil, liquid gold as the nickname. I’m so curious about how the locals drink olive oil simply because they enjoy it too much! People there seem to lead a very peaceful life, by that I mean, they don’t worry about the pollution, for no one have the heart to destroy such art-like environment.

对开头部分提到的“mouth-watering seafood”进行扩展描述,通过罗列的方式举出哪些seafood。

There are so many attractions for me to go and see it someday in person; otherwise it’s still a dream. And of course, I’ll bring my father a bottle of fine wine, since it’s also the place where the best white wine comes from.

最后通过另外一个小点“white wine”进行简单结尾。

Part 3可能会问:

· Why do people like places with a lot of water?

· Do you think it's important to try to save (conserve) water? (Why?)

· Do you think it's necessary to control the amount of water that people use? (Why?/Why not?)

· Do you think water use will increase in the future, or not?

· Which location do you think uses more water, the cities or the rural areas?






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