2016年4月最新雅思口语part2话题范文详解--Describe a hotel.

小站教育2016-04-20 13:18:54

摘要:今天跟大家分享part2地点类话题:hotel.众所周知,Part 2的话题是时间最长的,需要考生回答大约一分半钟到两分钟。为了避免考场上抽到答题卡无言以对,备考时我们需要多做一些准备。在准备的时侯多看一些具有代表性的参考答案,以便考试时用于相关的话题。

对于雅思口语Part 2来说,复习时多准备一些素材是百利无一害的。Part 2部分是比较考验考生口语水平的,通常需要1-2分钟的回答时间。同学们在备考阶段一定需要多积累一些口语话题,避免考试时因为紧张,不熟悉导致不知道说什么。本文跟大家分享Part 2常见话题“Describe a hotel you have stayed in”,希望对大家有帮助!



Describe a hotel you have stayed in.

You should say:

where the hotel is

why you stayed at that particular hotel

what the view from the hotel is like

and explain what makes the hotel special.

Sample answer:

About 6 months ago I was sent by my company to solve a problem for a client. The client was located in a remote island off the mainland and so I had to drive to the coast and then take a flight to the island. The plan had been to go there early in the morning and then fly back late afternoon because there were only two flights that day. Unfortunately, while I was there the weather turned really bad and a really strong storm moved in from the sea and so it was impossible to fly out in the afternoon.

So someone at the company arranged a local hotel for me to stay at, when hopefully I would be able to fly out again. The hotel was really small and there were only four rooms, but it was so cool. It was like an old farmhouse with a big open fire, and the owner, a middle-aged lady, was really friendly and made sure I was comfortable and had everything I needed.When dinner was served in the evening I met another guest and we had a coffee afterwards and the owner also joined us and told us a little more about life there and her hotel.It was really fascinating that I’d never stayed anywhere so remote before, so it was quite an adventure.

As for the view from the hotel, that night it wasn’t very impressive because all you could see was the rain and some of the lights along the coast but early the next morning when the sun came up it was quite spectacular to see the light bouncing of the ocean and the birds flying around. The storm had passed but the waves were still crashing onto the shore and you could see some of the fishing boats in the harbor as well, so it was really quite picturesque.

Anyway, by about midday the pilot had gotten the all clear to fly again and shortly after that we were off and flying back to the mainland.

I’ve stayed in quite a few hotels over the years, but I’ll never forget that one,it was just so different,more like staying with an old friend in their house because the atmosphere was very homey and not like most commercial hotels.


As for 至于 impressive 印象深刻的

spectacular 壮观的 fascinating 迷人的

bouncing bounce的现在分词形式,弹跳的意思

crash onto 撞到 harbor 海港






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