
小站整理2016-04-19 16:04:05

摘要:雅思口语part3人物类话题汇总,主要内容包括“Describe friends on facebook ”“Describe a person you spend a lot of time with”等多个话题。希望大家认真复习,祝大家早日跟雅思分手!


强势插入: 2016年雅思口语part123话题大汇总(点击进入)

1.口语topic--friends on facebook(共4题)(全部题目范文及语料点击进入)


答案for Q2:Does a list of 500 friends make sense to you?

Well, the term ‘friend’ is just a name given by Facebook, obviously not everybody who likes your page or comments on something you said is a friend in the traditional sense of the word. I suppose if you thought about all the people you ever had contact with in your life, from school, college, work and other social activities, if you kept a note of their name then you would have more than 500 by now … so I don’t think it’s that strange that people have thousands of ‘friends’ on Facebook or Twitter. Maybe it would be more accurate to call them contacts, but it doesn’t really matter.

2.口语topic--Describe a person you spend time with.(全部题目范文及语料点击进入)


Recently I’ve been spending a lot of time with my mother because she was diagnosed with cancer. It’s been a difficult time for our family .Before,we’ve always been a close family and had a good relationship with each other, but since the bad news attacked my mother, I have tried to spend as much time as possible with her and accompany her to her medical appointments . It’s a very stressful experience for all of us and we still don’t know what the final outcome will be but we’re being positive, optimistic and praying for her and making sure she is well taken care of.







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