2016年4月雅思口语part1高频话题答案:Being in a hurry

小站教育2016-04-12 13:58:41

摘要:分享最新雅思口语part1话题“Being in a hurry”的4个问题及答案。主要是以下问题:“最近一次匆匆忙忙是什么时候?”“你喜欢匆忙完成事情吗?”“什么事情是你绝不会匆忙完成的?”和“为什么匆忙做事会更容易犯错?”一起看全文!

小站雅思频道今天分享雅思口语part1高频话题答案:Being in a hurry的4个问题范文和语料。我们每天眼睛睁开,就好像进入一种战斗状态,路上遇到的行人永远形色匆匆。到底为什么忙碌,忙碌真的对工作有效吗?怎样让自己看上去淡定从容?一起从本文雅思口语话题范文中找答案吧!


1. When was the last time you did something in a hurry?

2. Do you like to finish things quickly?

3. What kinds of things will you never do in a hurry?

4. Why do people make mistakes more easily when they are in a hurry?

Sample answers:

1.Actually, if I remember accurately I went to the airport to take a business trip in the morning last year. But I got up late and I got stuck in the traffic tram on my way to airport. So I ran as fast as possible to get to the airport. It was such a rush.

accurately 准确地 get stuck in the traffic tram 被堵车困住了

2.No, I don’t stand finishing things too soon because it would probably make mistakes without careful and considerate work.

considerate 这里翻译成“深思熟虑”最贴切

3.Well, I think I would never finish the work for my clients in a hurry, otherwise there would cause lots of errors that would lead to terrible loss to my clients. That is not acceptable.

client 客户 lead to 导致 acceptable 能接受的

4.From my own perspective, there are a couple of factors that contribute to the mistake-making during the rush. On the top of my mind, lacking of long-term consideration is the thing that contribute to the mistake that people make when they’re in a hurry.

from my own perspective 在我看来 on the top of my mind 在我看来


1.When we feel busy, our reaction is often to hurry. We have a lot to do, so we try to speed up accordingly. We try to move faster, think quicker, get stuff done more rapidly.

speed up 加速 同义词accelerate

2.When you’re already stressed,like when you feel really busy, you get a jolt of adrenaline and your mind and body pick up the pace accordingly. Hurrying is a reaction to stress.

a jolt of 一股 pick up the pace 加快步伐


3.Learning to be more productive, more fruitful when I need to be,when the sun is shining,it doesn’t mean I have to be in a hurry or wave the hurry hand at those with whom I work or live. The hurry hand represents frustration and a dismissal of value, real value.

fruitful 效果好的 frustration 挫折,失败 dismissal 解雇 fire也有解雇的意思

4.The point of noticing the connection between hurrying and busyness is not to make sure you never hurry again, but to help you become aware of the choice to hurry (or not) and to be aware of when you are actually in a time crunch, and when you’re just habitually behaving hurriedly.

busyness繁忙,匆忙 in a time crunch 在危机中

5.Next time you’re inclined to hurry, try slowing down, just a bit, intentionally. Notice what effect it has on your mindset, what effect it has on your body, and whether it affects how busy you feel. If you can practice this repeatedly over several days, notice how it affects your sense of control, and your overall energy levels.

be inclined to 倾向于 intentionally 故意地,有意地 mindset 心态







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