2016年最新雅思口语part3话题范文详解--young people's expenditure

小站教育2016-04-11 15:04:50

摘要:“Young people's expenditure”年轻人的支出问题,是今天这里小站雅思频道要给大家带的雅思口语part3的最新话题。现在的年轻人都是怎么管理自己的财产的呢?我们国家的父母为什么会觉得小孩子要省钱呢?等等这些都是关于这个话题的问题,一起来本文找答案吧!

今天分享的雅思口语part3的话题是“young people's expenditure”,里面包含4个主要的问题:How can/do young people learn to manage their financial affairs?Do parents in your country think it's important for their children to save money?How do parents in your country view the issue of their children saving money?What do young people spend their money on?一起来看看今天雅思口语part3话题的参考范文吧,你会找到答案的!


1.How can/do young people learn to manage their financial affairs?

2.Do parents in your country think it's important for their children to save money?

3.How do parents in your country view the issue of their children saving money?

4.What do young people spend their money on?

Sample answer:

1.Generally, I suppose they learn from their parents as the first example. If their parents are very careful and manage their finances well, then young people will probably adopt some of their parents’ habits, if not all of them.On the other hand, if parents are very free and easy with their moneyand don’t plan or save anything, it’s likely that their children will have a similar attitude unless somebody else shows them a different approach. I suppose sometimes children may learn about managing money at school, but I don’t think all schools teach it as a skill. Or maybe they will be a part of a promotional activity by a financial institution and learn some good habits as part of it.

Of course, once you’re working and earning money, there’s a lot of financial advice and tips available. As soon as you open a bank account you normally get bombarded by financial advice, savings plans and other financial products from the bank you choose.


adopt 采用,采取(这个词还有收养的意思) 形近词:adapt 适应

it’s likely that...有可能...

promotional activity 推广活动

financial institution 金融机构

get bombarded by 被...轰炸

2.Generally, yes they think it’s important to save something each week or month. They try to encourage their children to save for their future. They might explain about buying a car or house when they’re older and the fact that they’ll probably need some savings for a deposit to be able to get a mortgage or bank loan. Children probably don’t think it’s very important when they’re young, but once they’re working they can usually understand that it makes good sense.


deposit 存款 mortgage 抵押

make good sense 有意义的,合理的

3.Many of them positively encourage their children to start a savings plan when they are young. That way, if relatives or the parents give them extra money for special occasions they can spend some of it and save the rest for sometime in the future.Most banks have special children/young people savings accounts, and of course most children understand the simple concept of a piggy bank, it’s how my grandmother taught me to save.

4.Usually many different things, but I suppose the most popular would be clothes, music, electronic gadgets and I guess girls spend more on makeup and stuff like that. Depending on how old they are, they might spend a lot of money socializing or going out, or maybe they have a specific hobby, a favorite sport or something similar which they spend their money on. Of course, as well as spending their money on things they like and want, they probably have to spend some of their money on transport and food and other basic necessities of life each month.


electronic gadget 电子产品

makeup 化妆 make up也有化妆的意思 ,还有组成的意思

depending on 根据,取决于,不翻译成依靠






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