2017年最新雅思口语题库part3话题范文汇总(54篇) 更新中

小站教育2016-03-29 14:44:41






教授亲朋 人物类11 历史人物 好父母
他人好决定 崇拜的商人 有趣外国人
骄傲的成就 汽车旅行 博学的人 想了解的人
健身活动 收获好建议 有趣的邻居 礼貌的人
感兴趣的科学 积极的改变 幸福的婚姻 聪明的人
大公司 想做而未做 有帮助的人
一节英语课 早到的经历 物品类7 国家特产 家中家具
近海活动 特殊的蛋糕 快乐商品 伟大发明
观看的运动 搬家转校 最喜欢的衣服 外国食物
免费的东西 众人笑 本国植物
陌生人谈话 童年趣事 地点类8 听音乐场所 休闲场所
媒体类6 因广告而购买 好消息 小众旅行处 梦想的家
有趣的书 好网站 喜欢的花园 安静的场所
追过的剧 艺术品 喜欢的城市 拥挤的场所


雅思口语part3参考范文:Describe a leisure facility (cinema. sports center) you like to go in your hometown

1. What are some examples of ways that people use to relax?  人们都用哪些方式放松?

Oh, I guess different people opt for different relaxation methods. Some people give preference to doing yoga. meditating and stretching to relieve muscle tension. Others choose pampering themselves with a health spa, beauty treatment or a good massage. There are also people who just need to meet friends or spend time with beloved ones to relax. Active people opt for such rest as working out in the gym, dancing, or going shopping. I can also name such nice ways to relax as taking a bath cuddling with a pet, getting fresh air and listening to favourite music.

2. Some people say that, on average, there is more stress in people's lives today than in the past. Do you agree?  有人说,平均来说,如今人们的生活比过去更有压力,你同意吗?

Some people say that, on average, there is more stress in people's lives today than in the past. Do you agree? Well, I guess yes. Nowadays people devote too much time to work as they have too much responsibility and too many commitments. People want to achieve so many things that they just don't have enough time to do everything in advance and have to put extra pressure on themselves procrastinating things and doing last minute work, which is extremely stressful. What is more, these days people have too many expectations from everything and everyone they encounter and too many options to choose from, which is also not great as making the right choice takes a lot of energy and time. All these things add stress to people’s lives and make them more stressed in comparison with previous generations.

3. Is the environment important for people to get relaxed? 对人们放松来说,环境重要吗?

I am more than sure it is. I just can't imagine how a person can relax when there are such environmental factors as excessive noise, busy traffic, uncomfortable living space, bad weather or natural disasters, problems with roommates or neighbours. Though I know what things can help people get relaxed fast. These are pictures of beloved people and favourite places on the walls, pleasant music, candles all around, greenery and colourful fishes in a fish bowl. So, yes, the environment is really important.






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