2016年最新雅思口语part3话题参考范文--after-school activities

小站教育2016-03-17 13:47:28

摘要:雅思口语part3部分相对来说是比较难的,对考生的英语水平要求更高。我们在备考时除了多练习,多准备也没有太多捷径。小站雅思频道这里和大家分享的part3常见的关于“after-school activities ”话题的3个问题和答案,希望能帮助到大家。

现在的父母们越来越注重孩子的发展了,很多小孩子自从开始读书起,就被父母安排了各种各样的培训班,孩子们越来越没有时间自己玩了。那么,小孩子到底需要课外活动吗?适当的娱乐对孩子们是有益的吗?小站雅思频道这里结合雅思口语part3的实际考题情况,对“Do you think it's important for schools to have after-school activities for school children?”,“Do you think entertainment is benefical to children?”,“Are boys and girls interested in the same games or play activities?”这3个问题进行讨论,给出了参考答案,希望对大家复习备考有帮助!


1.Do you think it's important for schools to have after-school activities for school children?


Of course! After-school activities are extremely valuable. They provide a way for children to relax after working hard at school and build a community spirit amongst the students. They also allow students to learn many things they would otherwise not have access to, like playing a new sport or musical instrument. Some people think that taking part in after-school activities is a waste of time and that students should concentrate on their studies, but I think taking part in extra-curricular activities also shows people that you are enthusiastic and motivated about school-life. It shows you’re motivated to do something with your time.



extremely valuable 极有价值 provide...for 为...提供

community spirit 团体精神 amongst...在...之中

allow sb to 允许某人做... have access to 有机会做

concentrate on 全神贯注于 take part in 参加

take part in 参加... waste of time 浪费时间

enthusiastic 热情的 be motivated to do 被激励做...

2.Do you think entertainment is benefical to children?


Yes,of course.In my opinion,entertainment is benefical to children's social development.When children play with other children outdoors, it encourages their social development. Play gives children opportunities to learn how to work in groups, including learning how to share, how to negotiate and how to resolve conflicts, Children who are allowed to explore through play can learn new skills and overcome challenges, which can promote self-confidence and self-advocacy, all of which can help children learn how to develop healthy relationships and to become leaders.



be benefical to 对...有益 outdoors 在户外 encourage 鼓励

including 包括 negotiate 沟通 resolve conflicts 解决冲突

explore 探讨 overcome challenges 克服挑战 promote self-confidence 提升自信

3.Are boys and girls interested in the same games or play activities?


Not really, most of the time girls and boys enjoy very different types of games. Girls tend to enjoy games where you pretend to be someone like ‘making house’ or ‘mummy and daddy’. They often prefer talking rather than running around. Boys tend to play noisy, active games that involve a lot of activity. They are more interested in competition than cooperation and so sports are very popular.






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