2016年雅思口语必备高频Part2话题参考答案--Describe a photo

小站教育2016-03-07 14:02:34

摘要:大家知道,Part 2的话题是时间最长的,需要考生回答大约一分半钟到两分钟。为了避免考场上抽到答题卡无言以对,备考时我们需要多做一些准备。在准备的时侯多看一些具有代表性的参考答案,以便考试时用于相关的话题。

对于雅思口语Part 2来说,复习时多准备一些素材是百利无一害的。Part 2部分是比较考验考生口语水平的,通常需要1-2分钟的回答时间。同学们在备考阶段一定需要多积累一些口语话题,避免考试时因为紧张,不熟悉导致不知道说什么。本文跟大家分享Part 2常见话题“A photo”,希望对大家有帮助!


Describe a photo you like best.

You should say:

When it was taken

Where it was taken

who took the photo

and explain why you like it best.


关于“A photo”这个话题卡,要求描述你最喜欢的照片。照片是一个比较具体的物品,描述起来还是比较方便的。你可以说一张风景的照片,你很喜欢照片上的风景;也可以说一张有人家的照片,说清楚这张照片背后的故事都可以。








Sample answer:

My favorite photo was taken in a summer in 2003. The background of the photo is a radiological ward My parents and I was sitting on the bed and wearing a happy smile. The photo was taken by a ward nurse. You may be curious about why we choose to take a photo in a hospital. I know, hospital is not supposed to be an ideal location for people to take photos. But this photo means a lot to our family. At that time, my father was diagnosed with a severe disease nasopharyngeal darcinoma. It was a kind of cancer. What made me even fear was that the doctor said that was a terminal cancer. You can imagine how helpless and despairing I felt at that time. My mum and I was so desperate that we can not help weeping. But my father always had a positive attitudes and fight off the disease with strong determination. He believed that as long as a person has a positive faith, he or she will survive. 3 months later,my father restored to health and created a miracle. On the date he left the hospital, he thought out of an idea that we should take a photo of the whole family in the ward.

It is definitely a special photo for me. Every time I picked up this photo, I will remember what my father said to me. He told that we should never give up no matter what difficulties or challenges we encounter. As long as we become strong, persistent and perseverant, we can conquer any problems and end up succeeding.

Related cue cards:

1.Describe a photograph that you really like.

2.Describe a family photo you have.

3.Describe a photo you have kept for a long time.






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