2016年1-4月雅思口语答案及思路解析:a special song

小站整理2016-03-07 11:49:55

摘要:今日雅思口语话题:describe a special song。我想,在每一个人的生命中,总有一两首哥,当它的旋律不经意在你的耳旁响起时,会让你有别样的思绪涌动。你想起里的父母,想起了恋人,想起了朋友。一起看看关于这个话题的part2&3的解答吧。

首先看看part2: describe a special song。这种话题,其实挺有难度的,因为,你需要在描述一首中文歌和英文歌中做出选择。中文歌,其实也不好描述,老外也不容易理解。外文歌呢,老外倒是一般听过,可是你确定自己能描述好一首英文歌么。所以,左右不是哇。一起来看看一份示例答案吧。

Ok then, well after thinking about it for a bit just now, I’ve decided that I’d like to talk about a song by the Spice Girls called Mama, which I guess you might possibly know, as it was a really popular song when it first came out.

Anyway, as for when I first heard this song, well it was actually quite a while ago, so I can’t remember exactly, but I suppose it must have been about 5 or 6 years ago, when I was still at middle school.

And regarding what it's about, well, in a nutshell, the lyrics kind of describe the love that our mothers show us, and that sometimes when we are young, we might not fully appreciate everything that they have done for us. So the song was basically written as a tribute to mothers around the world.

And finally with regard to why this song has a special meaning for me, well it’s mainly because this was one of the songs I used to listen to a lot when I first spent a long time away from home, which was when I did some volunteer work teaching at some schools in Fujian Province. So now, whenever I listen to this song, it always brings back good memories of my time in Fujian.

As well as this, one other thing that made the song especially meaningful to me was that it helped me reflect on all the things that my mother had done for me. And I realized that I had taken a lot of it for granted, instead of really appreciating it. So in this respect, the song has had a really strong effect on me, and I never get tired of listening to it.


1.Why are the songs of Tailor, Lady Gaga so popular in the world?


解释:好莱坞的音乐视频到处都有 music videos

结果:人们喜欢上西方的歌星 pop singers from western countries

2.Do Chinese people understand all English songs they listen to?



原因:学校从小要学英文 study English from a young age

结果:年轻人听英文歌,也是学习英文的一种方式 an effective way to acquire a foreign language


原因:音乐是世界的语言,没有国界 a universal language, transcend the border

结果:大家喜欢好的歌曲,即便听不懂 understand lyrics

3.How has the Internet impacted the music industry?

观点1:业余歌手可以制作视频上载网络 amateur musicians, upload videos

结果:变得越来越出名 achieve fame

我们可以听到不同的音乐 dufferent music genres

观点2:大家可以免费听音乐,不去买CD stream music

结果:对于原创音乐是个冲击 original music

音乐行业的收入下降,吸引有才华的年轻人 the music industry, talented musicians







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