
小站教育2016-02-15 17:51:03

摘要:今日雅思口语话题:Describe a work of art you have seen(一件工艺品),首先跳出来的画面是剪纸,还有各种木雕等。当然中国的艺术品可是远远不止这么多。但细细想一下,小时候上的劳技课,我也是用橡皮泥鼓捣出坦克大炮等艺术品的人呀!

雅思口语话题:Describe a work of art you have seen(一件工艺品)这应该算是一个比较难的题目了。雅思口语考试,越是涉及到具体事物的描述,越是考验着考生的语言的细节讲述能力。根据百科,工艺品(英:art craft)手工艺的产品。即通过手工或机器将原料或半成品加工而成的产品,是对一组价值艺 术品的总称。工艺品来源于生活,却又创造了高于生活的价值。好了,看下这篇高分口语范文是如何状物的。


Describe a work of art you have seen.

You should say: when you saw this work of art; where you saw it; what it looked like; explain your feelings about this work when you saw it.


The work of art that I have seen is a huge wooden sculpture which quite took my breath away. Although it is big I really thought it was also quite delicate. The first time I saw it was when I was having a trip in an old street in Nanjing. I heard from my dead that it used to be considered a landmark in the city. For people who have seen this wooden sculpture, it is considered to be an example of really excellent craftwork. It is shaped like a fish, therefore if you stand a little far away from it, it looks like a real fish swimming in the air.

Finally, I would say that it really stunned me at my first sight. Maybe a little story can help you to understand. It was on a warm spring afternoon. I was wandering about with my dad along the street. Then a huge fish appeared in front of me. It totally grabbed my attention and I was speechless for a second. Then I discovered that it was around 15 meters high and completely made of wood. You could even see the fish scales on the body. I was totally amazed by the high artistic standards of it. Now I suppose you can understand my feelings about this work when I saw it.


wooden sculpture木雕

take your breath away 使某人大为惊讶或感动

excellent craftwork极赞的手工艺品

at my first sight 第一眼

I am speechless 我很无语。






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