2016雅思口语最新话题答案:a dinner you enjoyed with your friends

小站教育2016-02-15 13:23:32

摘要:春天虽徐徐到来,但寒冬尚未彻底褪去,今天要跟大家聊一下有关吃的话题:Describe a dinner you enjoyed with your friends。春节里,谁没有跟亲朋好友一起围着暖锅,一起酒菜,一起怀旧,一起做梦呢?全文有答案,有语料,请品尝!



共进晚餐Describe a dinner you enjoyed with your friends.

You should say:

when and where you had the dinner

who organised the dinner

what you hadand

explain what you talked about over the dinner


The dinner I enjoyed with my friends was the one when we graduated from high school three years ago.

We had it in July, when we just graduated. One of my best friends Monica organized it. She reserved our favouriterestaurant whichwas just two blocks away from our school. It served traditional Chinese food and we all enjoyed it so much. We often had birthday parties together there, so it was the perfect place for us to, you know, say goodbye to our high school and start a new life.

The food there, like I just said, was very popular. We had a lot of amazing dishes, includingMapo Tofu, vegetable soup and fried rice. The yummiest one was Kung Pao Chicken, we ordered the super spicy one, and it was crazy hot. But we felt ecstasy.

During the dinner, we talked about our future, you know, the university we were going to, the new life we would have in a couple of months. We even came to an agreement that every July, we would come back to the restaurant and had a dinner together. We all made it so far. I mean, we’ve already had two dinners together.





工具 equipment 便携式炉灶 portable burner 电磁炉 induction cooker

筷子 chopsticks 小漏勺 small strainers 浅碗 shallow bowl

火锅锅底 soup base 清汤锅 plain broth 麻辣锅 spicy broth

鸳鸯锅 double-flavor hot pot 菌汤锅 mushroom soup pot 微辣 mildly spicy

中辣 moderately spicy 特辣 very spicy 调味料 seasoning

蘸酱 dipping sauce 芝麻酱 sesame paste 海鲜酱 hoisin sauce

辣椒酱 chili sauce 超级辣酱 tabasco sauce 花生酱 peanut sauce

豆腐乳 fermented bean curd 老干妈 Lao Gan Ma Chili Black Bean Sauce

豆豉 fermented black soybean 酱油 soy sauce 生抽 light soy sauce

醋 vinegar  料酒 rice wine 蚝油 oyster sauce

大蒜 garlic 生姜 ginger 葱花 chopped scallions

香菜 coriander 青椒 green pepper 红辣椒 chilli

肉类 meat 羊肉卷 sliced mutton

肥牛 beef 牛百叶 omasum 牛蹄筋 beef tendons

毛肚 tripes 脑花 brain 鸭血 duck blood curd

鸭舌 duck tongue 鸭肠 duck intestine 鹅肠 goose intestine

鹌鹑蛋 quail eggs 鸡脯肉 fresh grade breast  海鲜 seafood

鱼头 fish head 鳝鱼片 eel slice 墨鱼仔 cuttlefish

蟹肉 crab 大虾 prawn 龙虾 lobster

小龙虾 crawfish 扇贝 scallop 鲍鱼 abalone

蛤 clam 肉丸 meatball 虾丸 shrimp meatballs

撒尿牛丸 juicy beef balls 牛肉丸 beef meatballs 猪肉丸 pork meatballs

脆皮肠 crispy intestine 香肠 sausage 鱼丸 fish balls

午餐肉 luncheon meat或spam 主食 staple 玉米 corn

牛肉饺 beef dumplings 猪肉饺 pork dumplings 虾米饺 shrimp dumplings

龙须面 fine noodles 小吃 snacks







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