2016年雅思口语新题——Do you like to dance的N种回答方法

小站整理2016-01-18 13:46:20

摘要:“你喜欢跳舞吗?”这个问题让我多想想....“Do you like to dance?”小站雅思频道给你带来N多种回答方法,一起来看看吧!

Do you like to dance?你喜欢跳舞吗?这不是一个寻常的问题,这是雅思口语part 1的新题,如果你还不知道怎么回答,那么让小站雅思君教你吧!




Dancing is amazing!!

It's an awesome way to be fit and flexible and strong and expressible and make new families and all through a sport!!

I've done it for so long and I do it so much and all it is literally like breathing to me.


I love it, to say the least.

It's great for exercise, relieving stress, and it's something I love to do.

When I'm dancing, I can just let go and perform without worrying about being judged. It's the best natural high I've ever had!

I've been dancing since I was little, and I hope I can continue dancing for the rest of my life. If I was in an accident, I would do anything to be able to dance again. It makes me want to work hard and be a great dancer because it's so rewarding!


I love dancing.

Growing up I wanted to be a dancers mostly anything Ballroom and Latin dances. I want to compete someday or I can just dance for my family entertainment or for my special someone. Dancing is one way for me to relief stress. All I need in life is good music and good shoes.


Dancing is my life!

If i was disabled I think I would go into a severe depression and never ever leave my house again!

I love to dance, I have nothing else better to do with my life, it is my absolute calling on life.

Dancing is great way to express emotions, as well as a healthy pastime for those not really interested in going professional.

For me, the reason I dance is simply because it is my passion. It is what I live for, what I breathe, what I was made for. People dance for countless reasons, however, though I cannot name all these myself.

It helps me to express my emotions and relieve stress. Whenever I can't dance, I get a little bit depressed.

I injured ankle a little while ago and for the three weeks that I was off of it I was depressed the whole time.

Dance has become a part of me, I can't imagine living without it!


Where the canvas is our stage, our room, this earth.

The brush is our bodies.

The paint is our emotions, soul and technique.

To me dance is life.

Everything in this universe dances.

Everything moves to a certain rhythm/timing/structure. Like Einstein said: Dancers are the athletes of God.






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